io9Books & Comics
DC Reveals Its New Rebirth Superhero Costumes
Although we’ve had some brief (and err, revealing) looks at some of the designs being used in DC’s upcoming Rebirth shakeup, this is our best look yet at some of the new looks the DC multiverse’s finest are going to be running around in in a few months. Revealed through Comic Book Resources, official design … Continued
Just How Many Villains Are in the Standalone Batman Movie?
Ewan McGregor throws water on Obi-Wan movie rumors. Jon Favreau may be returning to the director’s seat at Marvel. 10 Cloverfield Lane’s director heads to Black Mirror. Plus more Power Rangers filming, even more footage from Civil War, and a new clip from Agents of SHIELD. Spoilers get! Batman Devin Faraci of Birth Movies Death … Continued
We Finally Have a Trailer for Bruce Timm’s The Killing Joke Movie
The definitive Batman voice actors have returned for an animated adaptation of one of the most famous stories in comics history, and everything about it looks fantastic. We’ve already learned that there will be some places where The Killing Joke strays away from the source material: namely that there will be a new prologue, and … Continued
By Avery Ellis -
Jonathan Nolan: ‘Nothing That I Have Done Prepared Me’ for the Challenge of Westworld
We’ve been anxiously awaiting HBO’s Westworld for what feels like forever. Originally, we hoped Westworld would arrive in 2015, then we heard 2016. And then production was shut down, and we heard it might be 2017 instead. What’s going on? We talked to showrunner Jonathan Nolan, and he filled us in. We were talking to … Continued
Does Appeasing Nerds Actually Make a Movie More Successful?
Hello again! Sorry for last week’s absence, but you sure gave me a bunch of excellent letters, so it technically worked out for all of us. This week: Is Rey in danger from Episode IX director Colin Trevorrow? When is a time travel movie not a time travel movie? And most importantly, is Batfleck a … Continued
By Rob Bricken -
The Latest Gotham Trailer Is Completely Bonkers
The oh-so-bad-but-so-entertaining Gotham has just released a 3.5-minute trailer for next week’s episode, titled “Azrael.” If your first thought is, “Hey, isn’t that a full minute longer than trailers for actual movies?” please let me assure that it only gets crazier once you actually start watching it. Spoilers for this past Monday’s episode of Gotham, … Continued
By Rob Bricken -
Robin Was Also a Killer in Zack Snyder’s DC Cinematic Murderverse
In what should honestly not be a surprise to anyone who saw Batman v Superman, it turns out that Batman’s youthful sidekick Robin was also someone who preferred murdering criminals as opposed to sending them through that pesky justice system. As discovered by Digital Spy in their perusal of the Batman v Superman: Dawn of … Continued
By Rob Bricken -
Robin Has a Hilarious Entrance in The Lego Batman Movie
We’re all psyched for The Lego Batman Movie. It’s Lego, it’s Batman, and the trailers have been wonderful. At CinemaCon 2016, Warner Bros. showed a nice long clip from the film, and it centered on the genius way Robin is introduced to this world. The clip shows Alfred (voiced by Ralph Fiennes) lecturing Bruce (Will … Continued
Ben Affleck’s Solo Batman Movie Has a Huge Opportunity and One Big Problem
So it’s official, after a few months of being semi-official: Warner Bros. is making a solo Batman movie starring Ben Affleck. And it’s implied, but not definite, that the Argo director will direct. This is great news—Affleck is a gifted director, and Batman v. Superman paradoxically left us hungrier for a movie about Batman being … Continued
io9Books & Comics
Of Course Batman Wears Batman-Branded Underwear
Batarangs. Batmobiles. Batcaves. Batcomputers. Bruce Wayne is, if nothing, the ultimate example of how to successfully pull off a wholly-unified personal brand. Apparently though, that brand goes labeling underneath the Batsuit… and right down to Bruce’s bat-undies. This delightful bit of information comes from artist Mikel Janín, who’s joining Tom King and David Finch on … Continued
We Just Saw Some Beautiful New Footage From Wonder Woman
Warner Bros’ CinemaCon presentation started off with a bang tonight: a 15-minute spotlight on upcoming DC Films. It touted the huge success of Batman v Superman (and the head of WB confirmed that Ben Affleck will be directing a solo Batman movie), showed the new trailer for Suicide Squad, and did a sizzle reel that … Continued
Dive Deep Into the Making of Christopher Nolan’s Dark Knight Trilogy With This Documentary
Is there really any doubt that Christopher Nolan’s The Dark Knight is the best Batman movie? Sure, arguments can be made for others but, with his second film, Nolan was able to strike a perfect balance of all things Batman, and thus anchor a legendary trilogy. Batman Begins, The Dark Knight, and The Dark Knight … Continued
You Know There’s Already a Good Batman-Superman Movie Out There, Right?
In all the hubbub, furor and hullabaloo about Batman v Superman, very few people seem to remember this isn’t the first movie where Batman and Superman share screentime. The actual first movie came out in 1997, was less confrontationally called The Batman/Superman Movie, and oh—it was animated. Well before the Justice League cartoon, DC animated … Continued
By Rob Bricken -
Arrow‘s Showrunner Explains Why [REDACTED] Had to Die
Kevin Smith further confirms Ben Affleck’s involvement in writing the Batman solo film. The Russo brothers tease Cap and Bucky’s relationship in Civil War. There’s a first look at the Secret Warriors on Agents of SHIELD. Plus, an update on Bill & Ted 3, and HBO continues to tease Game of Thrones fans. Spoilers Now! … Continued
Warner Bros. Is in Such Denial Over Batman v Superman
Despite the abundance of Batman v Superman’s negative reviews and the film’s swift, severe drop in box office sales since its debut a week and a half ago (even with an utter lack of competition!), Warner Bros. executives seem adamant in learning absolutely nothing from the movie’s problems. The Hollywood Repoter reports (from Hollywood) that … Continued
By Rob Bricken -
Another Star Wars Hero Is Definitely Coming Back for Episode VIII
An Arrow star is heading to The Flash, with a twist. Zack Snyder discusses Ben Affleck’s reticent involvement in the standalone Batman movie. Get a whole new look at the Doctor Who spinoff’s cast. Plus, an update on the Last of Us movie, and new clips from Agents of SHIELD and iZombie. Spoilers Get! The … Continued
Tech NewsGadgets
Turn Your Smartphone’s Camera Flash Into the Bat-Signal
If you find yourself in trouble you can always use your phone to dial 911. Or you can reach for this compact 3D-printed lens that turns your smartphone’s camera flash into the Bat-Signal, summoning someone who can help but who also has a way cooler car than the police do. Designed by Dalpek, the 3D … Continued
Our First Ever Look at Bruce Timm’s Animated Adaptation of The Killing Joke
It’s one of the most famous comic books of all time, and now we have our first look at the upcoming adaptation of Alan Moore’s The Killing Joke, starring Kevin Conroy and Mark Hamill. A teaser and behind the scenes featurette has appeared for the film, giving us a good look at the the origins … Continued
io9Books & Comics
Why Is Everybody Lying About Jon Snow?
Greetings, one and all. In today’s mailbag: Why does it seem like DC Comics is rebooting itself again? When does waiting in line for a con exclusive stop being worth it? And why am I still getting questions about Batman v Superman when I already answered like 200 of them earlier this week? Snow Job … Continued
By Rob Bricken