A Man With an Allergy to Cold Nearly Died After Stepping Out of a Hot Shower
A man’s rare intolerance to the cold almost killed him post-shower. In a recent case report, doctors describe how he developed a severe allergic reaction to the cold air he encountered after stepping out of a hot shower—serious enough to merit a trip to the emergency room and a stay in intensive care. According to … Continued
By Ed Cara -
A Man Developed ‘Feather Duvet Lung’ After Getting New Bedding
A UK man’s innocent decision to change his bedding caused him to develop a strange, rare condition that left him gasping for air, his doctors say. In a new case study out Monday, they detail how the man came down with a rare form of allergy to the bird feathers that filled his new duvet … Continued
By Ed Cara -
E-Cigarettes Don’t Have to Be Tainted to Send You to the Hospital, UK Case Shows
In recent months, hundreds of people in the U.S. have become acutely sick and have even died due to vaping. These cases have largely been tied to black-market vaping products made with toxic additives. But a new case study out of the UK seems to show that in rare circumstances, even legal e-cigarettes can cause … Continued
By Ed Cara -
The First Peanut Allergy Drug Might Be Approved Soon—but Not Without Controversy
On Friday, a panel of experts assembled by the Food and Drug Administration voted that the agency should approve a drug called Palforzia designed to help people manage their peanut allergy. But the non-unanimous verdict rendered by the panel highlights the ongoing debate over whether this therapy, a pill containing peanut protein, is actually worthwhile … Continued
By Ed Cara -
ReviewsOther Gadgets
We Tested Peanut and Gluten Sensors Designed for People With Tricky Food Allergies
Eating out with food allergies can be a minor annoyance, or if you’re unlucky, a potentially fatal booby trap. Although most restaurant and take-out menus will have labels for common allergens, the same can’t be said for that banana bread your coworker made, menus while traveling abroad, or unhinged in-laws sneaking deadly mushroom powder into … Continued
Researchers Are Closer to Understanding the Strange Meat Allergy Caused by Ticks
Scientists at the University of Virginia have seemingly come closer to unraveling the mystery behind a strange red meat allergy caused by certain tick bites. They report finding a way to trigger the allergy in lab mice—an important step for studying the condition. And with the help of animal experiments, they also claim to have … Continued
By Ed Cara -
Tech News
Generic Version of Life-Saving EpiPen for Children Is Finally Hitting the Shelves
Teva Pharmaceutical Industries, an Isreali drug maker, has announced that a generic version of EpiPen for kids is now available in pharmacies at $300 for a two-pack of the life-saving treatment. The EpiPen is used to deliver a dose of epinephrine for people who are experiencing a life-threatening allergic reaction. According to the company, the … Continued
By Catie Keck -
Scientists Have Created a Vaccine for Cat Allergies, but You Can’t Have It Yet
People unjustly kept away from feline companionship due to an allergy are rejoicing this week, after news resurfaced of a potential vaccine that makes cats less able to cause allergies. But while this research is promising, a finished product won’t be available at least until 2022. The vaccine in question is being developed by Swiss-based … Continued
By Ed Cara -
Sesame May Join Dairy and Nuts on Food Allergy Warning Labels
Sesame allergies seem to be a lot more common that previously thought. According to a new study out this weekend, as many as 1.5 million Americans could be allergic to sesame, and the findings may prompt the Food and Drug Administration to require new warning labels that identify sesame in foods. Researchers at Northwestern University … Continued
By Ed Cara -
Peanut Immunotherapy May Actually Increase Your Risk of Serious Allergic Reactions
A promising therapy for certain food allergies may be riskier than hoped, according to a new review. It found that patients with a peanut allergy given oral immunotherapy—a treatment that exposes them to small doses of the food over time—were more likely to experience life-threatening allergic reactions like becoming unable to breathe and other serious … Continued
By Ed Cara -
The Inactive Ingredients in Pills Can Cause Side Effects, Too
The annoying, even life-threatening, side effects of a medication may not actually be caused by the drug itself, explains a new study out Wednesday. Sometimes, the stuff used to make pills go down easier—the inactive ingredients—could trigger a person’s allergies or intolerances. Doctors have occasionally spotted cases of allergy brought on by a drug’s inactive … Continued
By Ed Cara -
Weird Meat Allergy Caused by Ticks May Be Easier to Catch Than We Thought
One of the strangest side-effects of a tick bite—a new allergy to red meat—could be even easier to get than previously thought. New research out this weekend suggests that bites from certain ticks can cause the allergy no matter what they’ve recently bitten. The finding could overturn a commonly held theory that ticks need to … Continued
By Ed Cara -
Food Sensitivities Are Real and You Should Take Them Seriously
Earlier this week, we reported on a recent food allergy study that, perhaps not surprisingly, stirred up a lot of strong feelings among readers. The research suggested that roughly 10 percent of adult Americans are allergic to foods like shellfish, tree nuts, and dairy. But it also found that nearly as many people described themselves … Continued
By Ed Cara -
Millions of Americans Are Wrong About Having a Food Allergy, Study Suggests
Millions of Americans might be mistaken about their self-professed food allergy, suggests a new survey. It found that while nearly 20 percent of people said they had a food allergy, only half as many people reported the sort of symptoms you’d expect from eating something you’re allergic to. Researchers surveyed more than 40,000 adults via … Continued
By Ed Cara -
Cleaning Your Baby’s Pacifier by Sucking on It Prevents Allergies, New Research Suggests
It’s a scene parents and caregivers are all too familiar with: an infant’s pacifier falls to the floor. When this happened with my first born, I rushed to clean the soiled soother by boiling it in water or carefully washing it in the sink. But by the time my second child was born, I was … Continued