Tech News
Hypoallergenic Dogs Are Just a Myth
The next time you’re looking to get a dog, get any kind you want. Yep, any breed, size, fur, even if you have pet allergies Wait, what? According to researchers, there’s no difference between a hypoallergenic dog and non-hypoallergenic dog. Hypoallergenic dogs, or dogs “that are more compatible with an allergic person than other breeds” … Continued
By Casey Chan -
Tech News
It Is Officially the Worst Allergy Season Ever
Or at least as far as we can remember. Allergies suck all around, but due to the lack of rain to wash away those hateful spores known as pollen, NYC residents are having a worse time of it this year. I wasn’t even aware physicians could specialize in allergy treatment, but apparently allergists are seeing … Continued
By Kwame Opam -
Could kissing ease your allergies?
Not many scientific studies can help you hook up. But here’s one that comes with its own pick-up line: “Let’s make out – it’ll help your allergies!” A study in the fantastically named Journal of Psychosomatic Research set out to determine whether kissing affects the production of allergen-specific IgE antibodies, the proteins made by your … Continued
Lillian Fritz-Laylin and Meredith Carpenter -
Having intestinal worms could prevent allergic reactions
Intestinal worms have figured out a way to keep themselves protected from your body’s immune system, by taking control of part of it. The job of flushing out these worms would normally go to your T cells, which attack invaders. But the worm Heligmosomoides polygyrus makes a protein which restrains the production of T cells, … Continued
Lifemax Sneezer Beam Annihilates Your Allergies With Light
You want to know what snake oil smells like? Take a whiff of the Lifemax Sneezer beam. Oh wait—you can’t because your nose is stuffed up. Well, I suggest taking some Allegra because I hardly think cramming two light beam rods up your nose that use “dual-wavelength phototherapy” will do much to relieve congestion, runny … Continued
By Sean Fallon -
Tech News
EpiCard Makes EpiPens Look Fat By Comparison
Some medical students have come up with a handy replacement for the EpiPen called the EpiCard. It’s roughly the size of a credit card and has built-in audio instructions on its use to help the patient self-administer the treatment if needed. Those of us with hardcore life threatening allergies have to keep a treatment like … Continued
By Matt Hickey -
Tech News
Japanese Nose Mask Pit Saves You From Allergies, Talking Normally
Are your allergies so severe that a Claritin has no effect? The Japanese have a solution, and it involves shoving round pieces of plastic up your nose to block out allergens. It may seem unorthodox, but as the lady at the clinic keeps telling me, prevention is much more effective than cures. We’ll stick to … Continued
By Jason Chen -
Tech News
Ford Mondeo Constructed Completely Allergy Free, Unless of Course You’re Allergic to Ford Mondeos
I have allergies. It’s not horrible, but a couple times a month I’ll have to take something for it. Therefore, you’d think this completely allergy free Ford Mondeo would be fantastic for me. Sadly for Ford, my allergies aren’t bad enough to make me drive a Mondeo. For those of you who do suffer horribly, … Continued
By Jason Chen -
Tech News
British Woman is Allergic to “Modern Technology”
Man, and you thought your peanut allergy sucked. A woman in Britain is allergic to cell phones— and computers, microwaves, and some cars. She claims to be allergic to “modern technology,” but it seems that it could be more accurately be described as a reaction to the electromagnetic field put out by many devices. When … Continued
By Adam Frucci