Only a handful of rabies cases tied to organ transplantation have ever been reported in the U.S.
Only around 100 cases of brucellosis are reported annually in the U.S., even fewer of which involve feral pigs.
Only two cases of chronic hiccups tied to eosinophilic esophagitis have previously been reported, the man's doctors say.
A study released today is the latest to find that pre-weekend surgeries can be riskier than surgeries after the weekend.
Health officials in Wisconsin and Minnesota have documented a rare case of donor-derived ehrlichiosis.
While venomous, the bite of a red-bellied black snake isn't thought to be deadly.
Doctors published a case report this week detailing a rare complication linked to adopting an extreme high-fat "carnivore" diet.
Thankfully, the woman recovered fully once doctors "delicately" removed the creepy-crawly passenger.
About one in every 1,000 people is born with spina bifida, but few develop this specific form of the condition.
The woman reportedly screamed out in pain as she was being taken out of the machine.
"Sauna use is a rare but potentially important cause of classical heat stroke," the doctors of a new case report warn.
Forty years after having them removed, Katy Golden's tonsils returned to stir up trouble again.
Brainworm headaches, a man with more penises than arms, and butt eels are just a few of this year’s macabre medical highlights.
Doctors have reported two rare and fatal cases of histoplasmosis, a fungal disease linked to bat guano used as fertilizer for locally grown cannabis.
The man had developed an unusual skin condition called phytophotodermatitis, also colorfully known as "lime disease."
The hair-raising case is an example of the rare condition known as Rapunzel syndrome.
The man, whose body was donated to science, is only the second ever known case of triphallia in the world.
In a new case report, doctors in France detail how the woman developed a rare form of retina damage tied to hair dyes made with aromatic amines.
Doctors in Iran describe a rare form of synesthesia triggered by orgasm and certain kinds of pain.
In a new report, doctors in Japan detail how the man was killed by a popular supplement containing Clostridium butyricum.
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