Ticks Are at the Beach Now, Too
Disease-carrying ticks are regularly finding their way onto beachfront property, new research suggests. The study found similar levels of tick infestation in the woodlands and near beaches around Northern California, indicating that they can live in more varied environments than assumed—even without the presence of obvious natural hosts. What’s worse, these ticks often carried bacteria … Continued
By Ed Cara -
A Newly Discovered Tick Germ Is Sickening Dogs in the U.S., Vets Say
Veterinary researchers in the U.S. say they’ve discovered a new disease-causing, tickborne bacteria in dogs. So far, only a handful of cases, with one possibly linked to a dog’s death, have been documented since 2018. But it’s likely that cases of this mystery pathogen have gone unnoticed for some time, and the researchers warn that … Continued
By Ed Cara -
‘Soft’ Bat Ticks Found in New Jersey for the First Time and This Is Not What We Need Right Now
As if we don’t have enough bad news to share right now, a tick species associated with bats has been spotted in New Jersey for the very first time. The health risks are unknown, but these parasites, as common vectors for disease, could threaten humans, pets, and livestock. Bats and ticks seem like an unholy … Continued
Some Ticks Pee All Over Themselves While They Suck Blood
Right now, as summer broils the northern hemisphere, countless animals are trying to dump heat. Dogs are panting. Burrowing animals are scurrying underground. Humans are sweating buckets (and we’re extremely good at sweating). But when ticks need to cool off, they really commit. In a blow to the sterling reputation of the tick, new research … Continued
By Jake Buehler -
Get Ready for Another Summer of Out-of-Control Ticks
The U.S. tick problem is not getting any better. And, unfortunately, we’re doing a dreadful job at tracking their movements, let alone keeping them in check, according to a new study out Wednesday. The eight-legged tick is America’s most dangerous pest bug, based on the amount of human illness it causes every year. An estimated … Continued
By Ed Cara -
Climate Change Is Already Killing Americans and Costing Billions in Medical Bills, Report Finds
Climate change will make our lives worse in the years to come, but a new report out this week highlights the stark costs people are already paying in the U.S. In 2012 alone, it found 10 major climate-related events likely led to nearly 1,000 extra deaths, almost 21,000 hospitalizations, and an added $10 billion in … Continued
By Ed Cara -
Researchers Are Closer to Understanding the Strange Meat Allergy Caused by Ticks
Scientists at the University of Virginia have seemingly come closer to unraveling the mystery behind a strange red meat allergy caused by certain tick bites. They report finding a way to trigger the allergy in lab mice—an important step for studying the condition. And with the help of animal experiments, they also claim to have … Continued
By Ed Cara -
A New York Man Was Killed by a Rare Brain-Infecting Disease Spread by Ticks
The most dangerous bug in the United States helped kill a New York resident, state health officials reported Thursday. The man is believed to have died from a viral disease spread by ticks called Powassan fever. Though cases of Powassan remain rare, it’s one of many tickborne diseases that are becoming more common. According to … Continued
By Ed Cara