Tech News
Tell Gizmodo What You Want
Gizmodo needs your help. In an effort to understand what you all love to read, I’d like to chat with a few of you in the next few weeks. The goal? To figure out just who a Gizmodo lover is these days and what you are looking for. My ask is simple: Fill in this … Continued
By John Biggs -
34 Million Americans Know Someone Who Died Without Being Able to Afford Medical Care, Survey Estimates
A heartbreaking number of Americans know someone who has died after not being able to afford medical treatment, according to the results of a new Gallup survey out Tuesday. Within the last five years, it found, some 34 million Americans believe they’ve lost someone in exactly that way, and even more Americans currently struggle to … Continued
By Ed Cara -
Survey Finds Nearly Everyone Wants More Gun Control, Including Gun Owners
Americans are in many ways in agreement when it comes to gun control, a new survey suggests. It found that a majority of Americans, gun owners included, support a wide range of gun-control policies, such as temporarily removing guns from people considered a danger to themselves or others and universal background checks for handgun purchases. … Continued
By Ed Cara -
People Have No Idea What They Want From James Bond, According to a New Survey
With Daniel Craig’s future as 007 seemingly at an end after the next Bond movie—which itself endured endless speculation over whether Craig would even appear in the damn thing—Bond fans are wondering who will get the license to kill next. But a new survey suggests that fans are divided over who they really want. An … Continued
EartherClimate Change
Americans Think Climate Research Should Be NASA’s Top Priority
Most of us (understandably) associate NASA with rockets and space exploration, but the space agency also keeps an eye on our home planet. And it turns out the public is more supportive of NASA’s efforts to monitor Earth’s ever-warming climate than you might expect. A new Pew survey released on Wednesday looked at how Americans … Continued
By Maddie Stone -
Tech News
Poll: Americans Are More Afraid New Tech Will Take Their Jobs Than Immigration and Outsourcing
A Gallup poll released Friday found that 53 percent of Americans see AI, robotics, and automation as a bigger threat to the nation’s jobs than immigration and outsourcing over the next 10 years. The poll, however, found telling gaps in how concerned various demographics were about new tech, with young and college-educated respondents choosing it … Continued
Tech News
Barely Any Americans Could Answer All of These Basic Science Questions
Earth’s hottest layer is the core, we use uranium to build nukes, and ocean tides are created by the gravitational pull of the Moon. Like, duh! But did you also know that the boiling point of water decreases with increasing altitude, or that amplitude determines the loudness of a sound wave? Huh? Maybe you’re a … Continued
By Maddie Stone -
Tech News
Go Complete XKCD‘s Random Quiz in the Name of Arbitrary Science
Most surveys are written with the intent of finding something out. The XKCD survey, written by stick-cartoonist extraordinaire Randall Munroe, doesn’t have an end game — it’s just trying to collect random information from as many people as possible, and then find unlikely correlations. It’s about ten minutes long, filled with the weirdest sort of … Continued
By Chris Mills -
Science Literacy Isn’t As Bad As The Statistics Make It Look
Read the catchy one-line statistics that circulate in the headlines and on social media and you’d be forgiven for thinking that public understanding of science is in a sorry state. Truth is, it’s not as bad it appears — a misconception fueled by the bad survey. A few months back, we heard that 80% of … Continued
Cassie Barton — PLOS Blogs -
America Likes Science. It Does Not Like Scientists’ Findings.
Survey results published Thursday by the Pew Research Center in collaboration with the American Academy for the Advancement of Science indicate most Americans hold science in high esteem, while revealing huge opinion gaps between scientists and the general public over issues like GMOs and anthropogenic climate change. The surveys’ key findings are highlighted in a … Continued
What Are Americans Most Afraid Of?
A recent survey asked 1,500 Americans what they fear most. The answers may surprise you. The nationwide survey was conducted by researchers at Chapman University, the results of which can be found here. It’s considered the first comprehensive nationwide study of what strikes fear in Americans, and it’s the first of what is planned to … Continued
How Different Countries Rank Humanity’s Greatest Threats
What do you think is the greatest threat facing the world? A new survey queries people in countries all around the globe and finds that how you answer may depend on where you live — and on your politics. The Pew Research Center took surveys in 44 countries in 2002, 2007, and then again in … Continued
By Ria Misra -
The Metallic Metals Act Shows People Always Bluffed About Politics
A staple segment of partisan talk shows, or regular comedy shows, is sending a camera operator out on the street and demonstrate – via a quick survey – how little people these days know about politics. But political ignorance, covered by bluffing, is not a modern thing, as the Metallic Metals Act shows. Every election … Continued
40% of Americans say astrology is science. Or did they mean astronomy?
In a survey by the National Science Foundation, 40% of Americans said that they believed astrology was a science. But, is the issue not that Americans believe that horoscopes are scientifically defined, but that they simply misheard “astrology” as “astronomy”? Unfortunately, probably not. A small survey, as detailed below, posits that the problem was simply … Continued
By Ria Misra