Disney’s The Simpsons Supercuts Are Just More Markers on Fox’s Grave
The Simpsons, in its best days and long after, has always been pop-culture savvy. A hyperawareness of the culture of animation, film, and television has always been baked deep into the show’s DNA, from its episode-length X-Files parody to Leonard Nimoy on a monorail to the Comic Book Guy’s whole deal. But not like this. … Continued
By Julie Muncy -
Experience the Growth of Studio Ghibli in This Beautiful Montage
Studio Ghibli has, as a whole, one of the most impressive and beautiful libraries of any film studio in history. In one montage, see how the studio’s ideas and style have taken shape over its history. The video, made by YouTube channel Burger Fiction, is a montage of clips from each of the studio’s films, … Continued
By Julie Muncy -
Stan Lee Can’t Hold Down a Job in This Supercut of His Movie Cameos
There are some things you can count on to always be there, and the Stan Lee movie cameo is definitely one of them. If the Marvel universe is all connected, then Stan’s gone from being mistaken for Hef to a delivery man in the course of it. I’d watch a movie explaining that. Or, in … Continued
You Must See This Supercut of Every Clue About Jon Snow’s Origin From Game of Thrones
We now know for certain that Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark are the parents of Jon Snow (well, on the show, at least). YouTube user hurleybird painstakingly collected every single scene and mention of them on the series so far, and assembled them in one moving masterpiece of a supercut. It’s similar in many ways … Continued
By Rob Bricken -
Tech NewsSploid
Don’t Freak Out Over This Supercut of Horror Movie Jump Scares
Jump scares are a staple—and one of the most divisive elements—of modern horror movies. Some people are too susceptible to them, while others find them gimmicky. To people in the former camp: does the above gif scare you in any way? The answer is almost certainly no. Despite the “jump” in “jump scare,” what I … Continued
By Avery Ellis -
Ben Affleck Is Well On His Way to Becoming the Most Murderous Movie Batman
In the comics, one of Batman’s most sacred virtues is to never kill his foes. That’s not been the case in his cinematic incarnations, where Batman is more than happy to murder dozens of people to get the job done. The latest Batman though, even after one movie, is setting himself up to be the … Continued
A Supercut of Every Single Time Someone Says ‘This City’ in Daredevil‘s First Season
We’ve loved both seasons of Marvel and Netflix’s Daredevil, but even the most diehard fans of the show might be sick of hearing people espouse about “this city!” every other sentence. To remind you just how prevalent this little phrase is, here’s the Daredevil supercut we’ve been waiting to see for ages. FringeMusic107‘s sublime video … Continued
Excellent Supercut Shows the Road to Civil War Is Paved With Tony Stark’s Good Intentions
And punching. The road to Civil War also involves a great deal of punching. If you’ve shared some of our concerns that sometimes it feels like Marvel is escalating to its ginormous comic book storyline (and sort of hot mess) that is Civil War in its Marvel Cinematic Universe a bit too quickly, then this … Continued
This Supercut of All the Non-Leia Female Dialogue in the Original Star Wars Trilogy Will Astound You
But not in a good way. Look, I’m not trying to throw shade on the original trilogy. Obviously, despite being captured in A New Hope and Return of the Jedi, Princess Leia was never a mere damsel-in-distress: she was crucial in her own escape from the Death Star after those dum-dums Luke and Han forgot … Continued
By Rob Bricken -
Here’s The Best Moments Of 2015’s Movies In One Supercut
We love a good movie supercut video, and this year’s best one comes from Sleepy Skunk, who’s cut together the best moments from 2015’s films. These are tricky to do: you need to get the right balance of music, the right transitions and cuts of the films, and most importantly, you need to capture what … Continued
A Supercut of Every Single Jurassic Park Homage in Jurassic World
There were so many callbacks to the first Jurassic Park movie in this year’s sequel Jurassic World, it was practically a remake. Don’t believe me? Check out this collection of the many, many World scenes which channeled specific moments from the original Park. Surely a lot of them are coincidences—I mean, I can’t imagine the … Continued
By Rob Bricken -
Every Single Explosion in Every Single Arnold Schwarzenegger Movie
It’s the supercut to end all supercuts! Arnold Schwarzenegger himself assembled this collection of the explosions features in all his movies—okay, he probably hired a team to do it, but I love the idea of Arnold hunched over a MacBook fiddling with Final Cut Pro—and the result is the best 30 minutes you’ll spend all … Continued
By Rob Bricken -
Deepen Your Appreciation Of Scifi Cinema With These Movie Supercuts
There are so many things to appreciate about individual movies — the acting, the sound, the character designs. Sometimes supercuts focusing on a very specific aspect of a movie, a genre, or a director’s catalogue helps us better study and appreciate the small decisions that go into making a film great. Xenomorph scenes from Aliens … Continued
io9Books & Comics
A Supercut To Chart The Cinematic Evolution Of Batman
Batman has had almost as long a history of appearances on the big screen as he has had in his 75 years of comic book adventures – and this great supercut by video editor Jacob T. Swinneycharts the characterisation of the Dark Knight across decades of cinematic incarnations pretty succinctly. It’s cool to see the … Continued
Guess How Many Explosions Are In The First Transformers Movie?
Go on, guess! And then watch Dylan Browne’s supercut, which counts out exactly how many times things blow up, large or small, in the first installment of Michael Bay’s Transformers franchise. Here’s a hint — the movie is 144 minutes long, and don’t bother guessing less than that. Yes, there are 208 explosions featured in … Continued
By Rob Bricken -
There’s Something Horribly, Unspeakably Wrong With Picard’s Uniform
The old Star Trek: TNG joke is that even though its the 24th century, somehow Starfleet never discovered a cure for Picard’s baldness. But apparently, they also couldn’t even manage to give their highest-ranking officers uniforms that fit, as this amazing (and hilariously lengthy) supercut proves. [Via Fashionably Geek]
By Rob Bricken -
Every Time Carl Sagan Said Millions, Billions And Trillions In Cosmos
Some enterprising soul decided to go through the classic Cosmos TV series and collect every single instance of beloved astronomer Carl Sagan pronouncing an “-illion” word in his unique, inimitable way in one, amazing supercut. There are infinitely worse ways to start the work week. [Via Geeks Are Sexy]
By Rob Bricken -
Fantastic Supercut Of Space Exploration Movies Is Inspiring As Hell
I defy you to watch this incredible trailer, compiled of footage of the human race exploring the galaxy, and not want to immediately get in a space shuttle and blast off. Assembled by MovieClips, “Reach for the Stars” covers everything from NASA and initial lift-off to ships actually cruising the furthest reaches of space, and … Continued
By Rob Bricken -
Man, the Original Star Wars Trilogy Was a Bloodbath
When I think back on watching Star Wars as a kid, I remember it as a pretty tame. After all, those stormtroopers had terrible aim. Turns out that maybe I’m misremembering. That original trilogy was kind of a bloodbath, and this supercut from Digg turns it into a tidy little 3-minute snuff film. Aside from … Continued
By Eric Limer