Florida Introduces ‘Tag Your Reptile Day’ as Iguanas and Pythons Continue Reign of Terror
Florida is banning the practice of keeping invasive reptiles like iguanas and tegus as pets, but those who already own one of these scaly guys need not worry too much. The pets can be grandfathered in if you get them tagged with a microchip. This may sound like a mishmash of Alex Jones conspiracy theories, … Continued
By Dharna Noor -
Gizmodo Dot Com Should Pay For Me To Buy An Aquarium
If you’re anything like me, the last year of social distancing and lockdowns has not been good for your social life, hobbies, or generally doing interesting things at all. Going to movies, restaurants, bars, concerts, or events are for the most part non-starters; parties and other social gatherings involving more people than can be counted … Continued
By Tom McKay -
Don’t Worry: Dog Walking Is Probably Not Going to Give You Covid-19
A new fur-raising study about covid-19 is making the media waves, suggesting that walking your dog will raise your risk of catching the viral pandemic by a whopping 78%. But there’s plenty of reason not to take the study at face value, and your worry is better spent on other, more pressing risks. The research … Continued
By Ed Cara -
Pokémon‘s Spooky Lore Is Better the More Messed Up It Is
In Pokémon Sword and Shield’s upcoming DLC expansion, The Crown Tundra, trainers are pulled into yet another adventure in the Galar region, this time in a frozen expanse where a number of previously unseen, legendary Pokémon are said to live. Like The Isle of Armor before it, The Crown Tundra’s meant to represent a trainer’s path … Continued
ScienceHuman History
Pet Monkeys Brought to Ancient Egypt Were Buried With Sea Shells and Other Trinkets
Monkeys recovered from an ancient Egyptian pet cemetery have been traced back to India. The compassionate burials, in which the monkeys were laid down in the fetal position and surrounded with grave goods, suggests the primates were kept as pets, in what is a unique archaeological discovery. Archaeologists from the University of Warsaw’s Polish Centre … Continued
ReviewsHome Entertainment & Smart Home
This $150 Pet Feeder Saved My Sanity When I Got a Second Cat
For five years it was just me and my sweet grey kitty, Charlie. I didn’t have pets growing up, so when the opportunity finally came for me to be a cat mom as an adult I took it. She’s the perfect cat. Taking care of one cat, especially a cat with her personality, was easy. … Continued
Cats Can Get And Spread the Coronavirus to Other Cats, Study Finds
A new study is the latest to bring some mixed news when it comes to covid-19 and cats. The study found evidence that cats infected with the coronavirus that causes covid-19 can easily spread it to other cats within two days of exposure. However, none of these cats documented in the study become sick once … Continued
By Ed Cara