The vast landmass is melting quickly due to climate change, and may rapidly cause the complete loss of the island's ice.
Our current models may have underestimated how fast our warming oceans are rising and how fast glaciers recede, a new study says.
A relict glacier in a surprisingly warm part of the planet could have implications for habitability.
A robot swam under Thwaites glacier and found that melting is happening faster in these cracks.
It's the Brunt Ice Shelf's single largest calving event since satellite monitoring began in the 1970s.
A new analysis from the United Nations and IUCN found that glaciers in World Heritage sites are losing 58 billion metric tons of ice annually.
Greenland’s glaciers and snow reflect heat away from the planet, so rapid melt puts the planet on a path to faster warming.
A new study looks at how Antarctica's Thwaites Glacier may have moved quickly in the past.
Two new studies drive home the urgency of curbing warming to keep the continent's ice sheets intact.
The bright turquoise run-off might look beautiful, but it's emblematic of a rapid and worrying decline.
The collapse came a day after the mountain recorded record-high temperatures.
Geophysicists used remote sensing to see reservoirs beneath the surface. That water could speed up the loss of ice as the climate warms.
Satellite images show the collapse happening around March 15.
New research points to a pre-Clovis peopling of the Americas.
The connection between sea ice and climate isn't understood, but the new record low has scientists alarmed.
Warmer weather has made the frigid continent more hospitable to two flowering plants, which are now proliferating.
The ecological impact of so much freshwater along the South Georgia island coast remains unknown.
Scientists are dispatching the autonomous sub and a host of other instruments to get a detailed view of the what's going on under Antarctica's Thwaites Glacier.
"We’re watching a world do things we haven’t seen before" isn't something you want to hear to describe Antarctica's most imperiled ice.
Researchers attribute the dramatic levels of melting to increased temperatures and a drop in snowfall brought on by climate change.
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