Tech NewsPrivacy & Security
Matt Gaetz Clarifies He Meant ‘Armed’ Government Overthrow, Not Murdering Tech Workers
There are increasing signs that Matt Gaetz’s future prospects aren’t great. The GOP congressman’s ex-girlfriend is cooperating with the feds, his former “wingman,” the one who accused him of sex trafficking a minor, is cooperating with the feds, and now there are stories about planes of young women in the Bahamas. Conspicuously, there’s no phalanx … Continued
By Dell Cameron -
Tech News
Matt Gaetz’s Lackey Reportedly Used Venmo to Pay Off More Than 150 Women and One Minor
The details on Rep. Matt Gaetz’s role in an alleged sex ring are getting more sickening by the day, and today, a day that ends with “Y”, is no exception: New documents unearthed by the Daily Beast show that Gaetz’s wingman, sentient barf bag Joel Greenberg, used Venmo as his app of choice when making … Continued
Tech News
DeSantis Will Ban Vaccine Passports Because Things Are ‘Normal’ in Florida
Today in why, Florida: why is this unmasked six-piece cover band doing “With a Little Help from My Friends” at a signing ceremony at the Florida state Capitol? Fine, okay, whatever: ladies and gentleman, Governor Ron DeSantis! Yesterday, Trump’s living legacy used the musical stunt to lead into the news that Florida will effectively ban … Continued
Tech News
Republicans’ Rich White Friends Will Outlive Us All
Barring a series of increasingly tragic disasters, we’ll probably be hearing about pandemic-related political favors and mind-melting incompetence for years. Early signs also indicate that we’re in for an exhibition of bipartisan jockeying for the role of pandemic hero by the same agents of destruction. Thinking that’s a little cynical? Look at Florida Governor and … Continued
ScienceSpace & Spaceflight
Historic NASA Launch Platform Will Be Demolished
NASA’s Mobile Launcher Platform-2—a structure involved in the Apollo and Space Shuttle missions—is in the process of being torn down. Incredibly, the space agency is ridding itself of the massive platform to make room for parking spaces, as collectSpace reports. In a matter of weeks, Mobile Launcher-2, or MLP-2, will be no more. Built more … Continued
Federal Authorities Are Looking for the Ghoul Who Carved ‘TRUMP’ Into a Manatee
Over the weekend, Florida officials received reports of a manatee that had President Donald Trump’s name carved in it. They’re now looking for information on who committed this wildlife crime that has left permanent scars on on this gentle sea cow. The manatee was reported to authorities over the weekend after being found at the … Continued
By Brian Kahn -
It’s Iguanas-Falling-Out-of-Trees Cold in Miami
The weather forecast for South Florida is sunny with a chance of stunned iguanas. Miami faces its coldest Christmas in more than 20 years, and the National Weather Service has issued a warning that chilly temperatures could send ectotherms plummeting from trees or curling up on sidewalks and roadways. In a year of murder hornets, … Continued
By Brian Kahn -
Tech News
Rebekah Jones, Fired Florida Data Scientist, Raises $100K After Cops Stormed Her Home
It’s a tale as old as time: Woman becomes data curator for the Florida government during a global pandemic, Florida government fires woman for accurately reporting the data it’s trying to suppress, woman continues to tweet accurate but forbidden statistics about deadly virus to a massive online following, Florida law enforcement officers storm the woman’s … Continued
EartherEarth Science
Eta Is a Hurricane (Again) as It Threatens Florida (Again)
Last week, I kindly asked then-Tropical Storm Eta to go away because it was clearly drunk. It did not listen. The town drunk of the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico has since regained hurricane status, and its stumbling path now has it aimed squarely at Florida’s Gulf Coast. It will mark the storm’s fourth landfall … Continued
By Brian Kahn -
President Trump Threatens to Fire Dr. Fauci After Election
President Donald Trump, an existential threat to the safety and security of the United States, told a crowd of supporters that he’ll wait until after the election to fire Dr. Anthony Fauci. Trump falsely suggested the coronavirus pandemic was not a real concern for Americans at a rally near Miami, Florida, on Sunday, prompting his … Continued
By Matt Novak -
Tech NewsPrivacy & Security
Passwords of Florida County Election Officials Temporarily Exposed
Login credentials belonging to several Martin County, Florida, election officials were inadvertently exposed by what an election security researcher says was an unsecured backup database that had likely been publicly accessible since 2017. The California-based security firm UpGuard said Thursday that more than 1,200 accounts assigned to county officials—at least six of which were assigned … Continued
By Dell Cameron -
Tech NewsCrime
Teen Hacker Charged with Paralyzing Miami Schools in Embarrassingly Simple Cyberattack
A Florida teenager allegedly used an embarrassingly simple program to launch a series of DDoS attacks that helped shut down one of the nation’s largest school districts for its first three days of virtual classes, the Miami Herald reported this week. On Thursday, school administrators in Miami-Dade County announced that a 16-year-old student at South … Continued
Florida Plans to Fix Its Mosquito Problem With 750 Million More Mosquitoes
Hundreds of millions of mosquitos will soon be released in Florida. On purpose. The mosquitoes are being released as a form of pest control, but they could wreak havoc on local ecosystems. And honestly, just the thought of it makes my ankles itch. This week, the Florida Keys Mosquito Control District approved a plan to … Continued
By Dharna Noor -
Tech NewsPolitics
President Trump Endorses Bigot Who’s Been Banned From a Dozen Tech Platforms
President Donald Trump congratulated anti-Muslim hatemonger Laura Loomer over Twitter last night for winning the Republican primary in Florida’s 21st congressional district. Ironically, Loomer is banned from Twitter, but she likely heard about the tweet anyway, thanks to Rep. Matt Gaetz, a Republican who’s endorsed Loomer and her hateful ideology. Trump’s interest in Loomer may … Continued
By Matt Novak -
Florida Sheriff Bans Masks As State’s Covid-19 Death Toll Breaks New Daily Record
Billy Woods, the sheriff of central Florida’s Marion County, banned masks for all deputies and visitors to the sheriff’s office starting Tuesday, according to a new report from the Ocala Star Banner—a strange decision to make in the middle of a pandemic that’s still wildly out of control. Sheriff Woods has instructed staff not to … Continued
By Matt Novak