Tech News
Wacom’s Digitizing Notebooks Are Better Than Ever
Taking notes on a computer or phone is never going to be as easy as taking notes with a pad and pen. Especially if you used to be a policy debater or ever learned shorthand. You have a method for speedily jotting down all the relevant stuff that’s just light years faster than predictive type … Continued
By Alex Cranz -
Tech NewsSploid
Making a Fishing Rod from Bamboo Is Legitimately Impressive
There are over 150 steps in making a bamboo fishing rod which involve nearly 60 hours of work to actually complete. That’s a lot of work. You can sneak a peak at how it gets done—the carving, the burning, the shaving, the glueing—in the video below by Michael Herman. In it, you get to follow … Continued
By Casey Chan -
Tech News
Grove’s Bamboo iPad Case Is Typically Nice, Typically Spendy
Wooden gadget accessories appeal to a certain kind of dweebus—I am that dweebus. And Oregon’s Grove has been among the best for years. Now they’re making iPad cases. Are they worth it? What Is It? It’s a “wooden” iPad mini case from Grove, the same people who have made some of my very favorite iPhone … Continued
By Joel Johnson -
Tech News
These Bamboo Micro-Homes Would Turn Abandoned Buildings Into Villages
As China designs a roadmap to bring 100 million rural citizens into cities over the next five years, it and other booming east Asian countries will confront a problem that’s been around since the 1980s: The massive housing shortage and the illegal dwellings that result. Two architects think they’ve found a temporary solution in bamboo. … Continued
How Do Pandas Eat So Much Bamboo?
For members of the taxonomic order Carnivora, giant pandas (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) eat surprisingly little meat. They’re nearly entirely herbivorous, subsisting almost exclusively on bamboo. What’s strange about the panda is that it isn’t really very well designed for a plant-based diet. At least not at first glance. Other herbivorous mammals have specialized adaptations in their … Continued
Tech News
This Soaring Openair Cafe Is Made From Giant Bamboo Fishing Baskets
In Vietnam, it’s common to use bamboo baskets to catch fish and eels. Less common? To find the same type of bamboo structures supporting an entire building. This open-air beauty is the Kontum Indochine Cafe, in central Vietnam, and it looks like it’s supported by 15 giant bamboo fishing baskets. Fishing, however, is probably not … Continued
By Leslie Horn -
Tech News
8,000 Sheets Of Rice Paper Can Organize Into Art
I know you’re all wondering how many sheets of rice paper is a lot. And I’m going to tell you. 8,000. When I think of a lot of rice paper I am thinking of 8,000 sheets of rice paper. Apparently, so is Chinese artist Zhu Jinshi, who used rice paper, 800 bamboo rods and cotton … Continued
Tech News
Minimalist Bamboo Desk Set: The Wood Makes It Good
Most people don’t really care if their stapler matches their pencil sharpener, or if their tape dispenser matches their USB hub. But that’s because they haven’t seen Yu Jian’s gorgeous bamboo desk set that incorporates various office-related accessories into hollowed-out bamboo trunks. The collection will bring a sort of zen-like consistency to your desk, and … Continued
Tech News
A Tiny Wacom Stylus Is a Perfect Phone Companion (If You Don’t Lose It)
This stubby little stylus might look more like a crayon than something you’d usually use with your tablet, but it could be just the thing if you only occasionally need to ditch your digits for something more precise. Joining its bigger brothers—the Stylus Feel, Solo, Pocket and Duo—the Bamboo Stylus Mini is just 1.85 inches … Continued
Tech News
This Beautifully Engineered Bamboo Table Holds Itself Together With Ingenuity
Like a giant version of one of those wooden puzzles you have to figure out how to disassemble, J.P. Meulendijks’ bamboo Lock table is cleverly held together in a manner that will have your dinner guests scratching their heads. But the only secret here is the fine craftsmanship that takes advantage of bamboo’s ability to … Continued
Tech News
This Island Tiki Hut Hides A Lot of Money
You see that phone booth-sized tiki hut made of bamboo, stone and glass? That’s a specially made building that houses the only ATM in a village. On top of that, it’s completely solar powered, naturally designed for its island and holds a whole lotta cash. The Tiki Hut ATM is in Bali, fittingly located on … Continued
By Casey Chan -
Tech News
Eat From Bamboo Cutlery So Graceful, It Looks Like It Was Designed by an Aeronautical Engineer
Designer Makoto Koizumi might not be an aeronautical engineer, but the organic flowing curves of their bamboo Minotake cutlery set look makes it look like they started life as a revolutionary new propeller design. Bamboo kitchen ware, including plates and cutlery, has become a recent trend because the material’s both strong and lightweight. But Makoto … Continued
Tech News
The 6 Things Your Friends and Family Should Have Gotten You From Urban Outfitters
You probably think that Urban Outfitters is for lomography-obsessed, ironic-canvas-bag-toting, paper-thin-dress-wearing hipsters like the ones above. And you’re more or less right! But that doesn’t mean they don’t carry some kickass gadgetry. Urban may have made its name selling ironic t-shirts and counterfeit indie jewelry, but its tech selection of everything from iPod docks to … Continued
By Michael Zhao -
Tech News
Completely Negate the Thinness of Your iPad or Macbook with These Bamboo Cases
Well done! You bought a Blackbox case, crafted from bamboo, for your Apple device and now you’re eco-friendly and green, and sustainable and so on and so forth. But now your Apple whatever is also wonderfully bulky. Bamboo looks very nice, and I’m glad this case can protect your device against 25-foot falls. But you … Continued
The Bamboo Water Bottle’s Secret Ingredient Is Way Better than Bamboo
Bamboo bamboo bamboo. I get it. It’s written on this damn bottle four times. I know, it’s gonna save the world. I’m not against bamboo, but I’d rather focus on a far more important component of this water bottle: air. Plusses Between the Leed-ready bamboo shell and the deliciously nonporous glass liner is a layer … Continued
By Joe Brown -
Tech News
Show Your Green Credentials Off With a Bamboo Laptop Briefcase
Ignoring for a second just how heavy and cumbersome this bamboo MacBook case would be (not to mention you can’t squeeze a power cable or your sandwich in there), these SILVA Limited cases are simply stunning. Handmade from a single sheet of bamboo, the inside is lined with felt to protect those valuable MacBooks. A … Continued
Massive plagues of rats swarm across India every fifty years
Twice a century, India is attacked by huge rat armies that devour crops in massive destructive waves and leave people without any food. Scientists long dismissed it as an urban myth…until they discovered that it really happens, and why. A massive bamboo forest covers about 26,000 square kilometers in a region encompassing northeastern India and … Continued
Tech News
The School from the Beginning of Serenity Actually Exists in Indonesia
Sunlight. A tropical breeze blowing across your hands as you take down notes. The Green School is a far cry from the windowless, prison-like schools that I attended growing up. I bet this school churns out creative, telepathic geniuses. The Green School, which stretches across the Ayung River in Bali, is built of bamboo, a … Continued