ScienceSpace & Spaceflight
Latest Solar Outburst Could Trigger Auroras Over New York and Other States on Wednesday
A powerful explosion on the Sun's surface has sent particles on a collision course with Earth's atmosphere, which could mean we're in for a nice light show in some unusual locations.
By Adam Kovac -
ScienceHuman History
Ancient Assyrian Tablets Seem to Contain References to a Massive Solar Storm
Scientists report that they may have found the earliest written record of a solar storm in ancient Assyrian tablets. Recent analyses have found evidence of an extreme solar storm that left energetic particles in tree rings and ice cores across the world sometime around 660 BCE. With this in mind, a research team in Japan … Continued
Tech News
Citizen Scientists Discover New Feature of the Aurora Borealis
It wasn’t scientists who discovered the thin, purple, east-to-west traveling glow in the northern night sky. It was people with cameras and a nerdy passion for auroras. Researchers today gave an official proposal to name this structure first observed by citizen scientists: a Strong Thermal Emission Velocity Enhancement (STEVE), along with an idea behind STEVE’s … Continued
Tech NewsSploid
Seeing the Aurora Borealis’ Reflection on Water Is So Cool
I was going to say my New Year’s resolution (and everyone who’s able) should be to see the Northern Lights in person but I’m not sure seeing them with my own eyes can actually top the electric timelapses and stunning low light photography of them. This one by AD Photography shows the Aurora Borealis from … Continued
By Casey Chan -
Tech NewsSploid
The Northern Lights Look Absolutely Breathtaking in This Timelapse Video
If you’ve never had the opportunity to venture far enough north to take in the northern lights, the filmmakers at More Than Just Parks captured a stunning example of the Aurora Borealis’ majesty over Minnesota’s Voyageurs National Park. These timelapse videos might even be better than the real thing since you don’t even have to … Continued
Tech NewsSploid
Incredible Views of the Aurora Borealis from Space Makes the Earth Look Like an Alien Planet
We expect the Earth to always be this beautiful blue marble but at some angles and at some times, it glows differently. Like if you just looked at the glorious Aurora Borealis from space, the planet would have this eery alien green glow to it. This stunning footage from NASA of both the Aurora Borealis … Continued
By Casey Chan -
ScienceSpace & Spaceflight
Something Weird and Amazing Is Happening at Jupiter’s North Pole
If you were soaring through Jupiter’s turbid skies wearing a pair of x-ray goggles, you might get lucky and witness something incredible. Brilliant flashes of light, more luminous and powerful than the Sun, occurring every 26 minutes and stretching as far as the eye can see. That’s the essence of a massive solar storm recently … Continued
By Maddie Stone -
Tech News
Rare Glimpse of Aurora Borealis Spotted in Southern England Last Night
The Aurora Borealis may be a common site in some parts of the world, but England rarely gets to witness it in its full, saturated glory. Last night, however, the country was treated to an impressive multicolor light show. The BBC reports that the Northern Lights could be seen strongly as far west as Anglesey … Continued
Tech NewsSploid
The Breathtaking Beauty of Paragliding Through the Aurora Borealis
Watch as Horacio Llorens paraglides against the backdrop of the Aurora Borealis. It’s especially nice because the paraglider cycles through different colored lights against the glimmering green of the aurora. His movements are almost poetic, a perfect blend of mixing an extreme sport with the grace of nature. SPLOID is delicious brain candy. Follow us … Continued
By Casey Chan -
A Brilliant Glimpse of the Aurora Borealis Dancing in the Sky Near the North Pole
Photographer Frode Ramone snapped this stunning shot of the Northern lights illuminating the frosty skies above Svalbard, a group of islands that’s about halfway between Norway and the North Pole. A former whaling hub, the Arctic archipelago is now known for being home to more polar bears than humans.
By Cheryl Eddy -
Tech News
The Nights Are Filled With Glorious Auroras This Week
The aurora borealis is one of the most stunning light shows on Earth, but normally, it’s a treat reserved for the hardy souls living at the coldest edges of the world. The last few nights, however, people across the Northern and Southern hemispheres have enjoyed dazzling, colorful skies, thanks to a geomagnetic storm that began … Continued
By Maddie Stone -
Tech NewsSploid
The night time view of the Aurora Borealis
I wasn’t exactly sure what I was looking at. And then things started to make sense, you can see the city lights outline the US and the geographical footprint of other places and then this swirl mixture that basically takes over Canada. It’s the Aurora Borealis at night. NASA writes: This is a composite image … Continued
By Casey Chan -
A Rare Glimpse Of Rapidly Pulsating Aurorae Over Iceland
Aurorae are rare. Pulsating aurorae, whose structures fade in and out of existence, are rarer, still. But rapidly pulsating aurorae, like that featured in this video by French astrophotographer Stéphane Vetter (previously), are among the least common of all. This footage is not a time-lapse; the colors in this video are flickering in real-time. Vetter … Continued
Tech NewsSploid
An electric green sky for St. Patrick’s Day
St. Patrick’s Day is debaucherous and sloppy and filled with drunkards decked in green. The Northern Lights are beautiful and stunning and light up the sky in a wonderful hue of green. Naturally, they’re made for each other. Or if not, they should be. Ignore the noise today and just watch this Northern Lights time … Continued
By Casey Chan -
Tech News
How To Photograph The Northern Lights
One of nature’s most incredible phenomena are the aurora borealis, more commonly known as the Northern Lights. We’ve been photographing them in Iceland and we’re going to show you how to shoot them yourself. What are they? The Northern Lights are a natural light display in the sky, predominantly seen in Arctic regions. Geomagnetic storms … Continued
Tech News
The Time Iceland Almost Killed Me
They say that if you don’t like the weather in Iceland, wait five minutes and it’ll change. Multiply that by mountains, glaciers and volcanoes and you’ve got a recipe for adventure. Or a close encounter of the near death kind. “Winter is coming,” they said. “They” being every local we spoke to in Iceland. “We’re … Continued