A Breast Implant Linked to Rare Cancer Is Finally Off the Market
The end of a breast implant product linked to a rare type of cancer is seemingly finally here. On Wednesday, the Food and Administration said it had pushed for a recall of Biocell textured breast implants, sold by the pharmaceutical company Allergan. Allergan announced the same day that it would pull all remaining implants from … Continued
By Ed Cara -
Tech News
Scientists Have Created a Prosthetic Arm That Lets Patients Feel Touch Again
Perhaps one of the profound yet underappreciated aspects of being alive is the ability to reach out with your hand and feel the world around you—whether it’s fresh-cut grass or the face of a loved one. For people who have lost a hand or arm, prosthetics may restore some functioning, but not the sense of … Continued
By Ed Cara -
‘Cuban Sonic Attack’ Study Finds Brain Differences in Victims—but Don’t Put on Your Tinfoil Hat Yet
In late 2016, U.S. and Canadian diplomats at their embassy in Havana, Cuba began coming down with unexplained symptoms, including nausea, headaches, and hearing loss. Some also claimed to have heard mysterious sounds just prior to their symptoms, fueling a theory by some U.S. officials and the media that a “sonic weapon” aimed at the … Continued
By Ed Cara -
Tech News
Cigarette Butts Stunt Plants’ Growth
Other humans aren’t the only living things affected by your smoking habit, scientists in the UK warn. Their new research suggests that at least some plants can’t grow as well in the presence of discarded cigarette butts. Cigarette butts—the plastic, usually brown filters left behind when you finish smoking—are a ubiquitous source of pollution. By … Continued
By Ed Cara -
Checking Your Phone at Night Won’t Necessarily Throw Off Your Internal Clock, Mouse Study Finds
People who only occasionally fall down an internet rabbit hole on their smartphones late at night might be able to rest easier—at least according to the results of a new study in mice. Researchers found that short bursts of light exposure at night won’t necessarily disrupt your internal clock, including sleep habits. The researchers used … Continued
By Ed Cara -
Listening to Music Before Getting Anesthesia Can Help You Stay Calm
A dose of music might be enough to calm your worries before certain medical procedures. According to a new study out this week, patients who listened to music before having anesthesia injected into them had their level of anxiety lowered as much as those who took a mild sedative. Doctors have gradually started to turn … Continued
By Ed Cara -
Health Care Workers in the UK Turned Over an Undocumented Immigrant Trafficking Victim to Police, Case Report Says
Medical professionals are getting increasingly entangled in the anti-immigrant rhetoric that has gripped the U.S. and other countries—and, predictably, it’s having horrible consequences for their patients. According to a case report published this week in the New England Journal of Medicine, medical care professionals in the UK turned over a migrant sexual trafficking victim in … Continued
By Ed Cara -
Menstrual Cups Are Indeed a Safe Alternative to Tampons and Pads, Research Review Finds
People who prefer using menstrual cups during their period can be reassured by a new study out this week. It suggests the products are cost-effective and environmentally friendly compared to tampons and pads, while still being safe and able to provide roughly the same level of protection against leakage. But there needs to be more … Continued
By Ed Cara -
ScienceSpace & Spaceflight
Here Are the Bad Things NASA Thought Might Happen to the First Astronauts on the Moon
Fifty years ago this week, humankind landed on the Moon for the first time. It was one of the most impressive technological feats ever pulled off, filled with peril and uncertainty. Given that, it’s fair to wonder just what exactly NASA scientists were worried could have happened to the astronauts during and after their lunar … Continued
By Ed Cara -
Scientists Find a New Kind of Cell That Helps Heal the Heart
The human body has plenty of nifty tricks to keep itself alive for as long as possible, and scientists still haven’t come close to figuring them all out. Case in point, a team of researchers this week describe a previously unknown type of cell near the heart that helps it heal from injury. The discovery … Continued
By Ed Cara -
Swatting a Fly Without Killing It May Cause It Pain for the Rest of Its Life, Study Finds
Barely missing a fatal slap at a bothersome fly might be a headache for both of you, according to new research from scientists at the University of Sydney. They say they’ve found evidence that insects are capable of feeling chronic pain after an injury, much like we do. What’s more, studying why and how insects … Continued
By Ed Cara -
People Born Prematurely May Have More Romantic Trouble as Adults, Study Finds
Babies born prematurely might have an unexpected disadvantage by the time they reach adulthood, according to new research out Friday. It suggests that they’ll be less likely to ever have a romantic relationship or sex, as well as be less likely to have children, than people born full-term. It’s well known that premature birth can … Continued
By Ed Cara -
Don’t Shower With Your Contacts In, Man Blinded by Eye Parasites Warns
A UK reporter’s harrowing story of losing sight in his right eye is sure to terrify anyone who’s been lax about contact lens hygiene. He contracted a rare parasitic infection, likely as a result of showering with his contacts in. The costly mistake required over 18 months of intensive treatments, and there’s a chance he … Continued
By Ed Cara -
Kratom Linked to Serious Side Effects and Deaths in New Study
The herbal remedy kratom, often touted as an alternative treatment for opioid withdrawal or chronic pain, is in for more bad publicity. This week, scientists published yet more research showing that the plant is linked to reported dangerous side effects like seizures and deaths. Some people also appear to go through withdrawal when off kratom, … Continued
By Ed Cara -
A Common Household Chemical May Cause Thyroid Problems for Cats
Many older cats suffer from health problems caused by a hyperactive thyroid, and while there’s no single cause of the condition, hormone-disturbing chemicals in the environment are thought to be an important factor. A new study involving some furry volunteers suggests that these chemicals include fire retardants commonly found in homes. The researchers recruited 78 … Continued
By Ed Cara -
Pets Can Donate Blood, Too
You know that donating blood is one of the most impactful things you can do for others on an individual level. But you probably don’t know that dogs and cats can donate blood, too. According to a new study out Tuesday, most pet owners have no idea that their good boy or girl could be … Continued
By Ed Cara -
Most Supplements and Dietary Changes Do Squat for Your Heart, Large Research Review Finds
There are lots of things you can do to keep your heart healthy and hopefully live longer. But a new review suggests that most dietary changes and supplements won’t move the needle much, if at all. Some supplements might even slightly increase your chances of a stroke. The study, published this week in the Annals … Continued
By Ed Cara -
No One Really Knows How Many Men Have Erectile Dysfunction
Just how many men are struggling with erectile dysfunction? Well, according to a recent review of the medical literature, it depends on how and where you ask the question. Global rates of ED, it found, range from as low as 3 percent of men to as high as 76 percent. The study, published in BJU … Continued
By Ed Cara -
Roaches Are Getting Harder and Harder to Kill
The cockroaches that plague our homes are even more indestructible than we thought, according to a recent study by researchers at Purdue University in Indiana. The bug scientists used a variety of strategies and different insecticides to root out real-life infestations of the German cockroach (Blattella germanica), but found that the roaches were able to survive … Continued
By Ed Cara -
Shark Bite Mystery Solved 25 Years Later Thanks to Tooth Tweezed From Foot
A Florida man’s long shark bite saga is finally over. Thanks to scientists at the Florida Museum of Natural History, Jeff Weakley was able to find out the identity of the creature whose tooth was lodged in his body for over two decades: a blacktip shark. As Weakley tells it, his right foot was chomped … Continued
By Ed Cara