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10 Unhinged Lore Details Star Wars Dropped to Make Galactic Starcruiser Happen

As Disney prepares to shutter its immersive hotel for good this year, we look back at Star Wars ' "everything's canon" approach to making Starcruiser matter.

The Halcyon Was Vital to the Founding of New Republic

Image: Lucasfilm
Image: Lucasfilm

Whatever happened to not only rapidly overthrow Imperial control of the Halcyon at the climax of the galactic civil war, but also refit it to be back to its normal self, the galactic starcruiser was already ready to go in the days and weeks after the Battle of Endor. And it’s a good job it was, because Mon Mothma convinced Han and Leia, who had been wedded in a small ceremony on the forest moon after the events of Return of the Jedi, that what the galaxy needed to believe in the face of the rapidly splintering Empire’s propaganda machine about the death of the Emperor was to see that Love Was Real.

It’s Mon who pushed Han and Leia to go on a public honeymoon aboard the Halcyon (it should be noted as a Chandrilan company, it’s impossible to say if the incoming chancellor of the New Republic had any investments in Chandrila Star Line, but that’s another bananas/mundane Star Wars story to tell for another time) as essentially a way to tour the galaxy and let worlds know that the Rebels really had begun overthrowing the Empire in earnest. If Disney World didn’t exist, whose to say how the birth of the New Republic would’ve happened?

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